Chapter 15

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. Please do not read if it will make you uncomfortable

Filming was almost done, Hyun Bin was going back home in the next few days

"I can't wait to see you" Yejin said excitedly on the phone

"I can't wait to see you too. It's just sad we'll only see each other after I'm done with self quarantine"

"Do we have to wait that long? Two weeks is a lot" she said sulking

"I don't want to put you in any risk, we have to wait Yejin-ah. Two weeks is nothing compared to the two months we spent apart"

Yejin was not happy about this at all. She's been waiting for him for too long she didn't think she'd wait another two weeks

Today was the day Hyun Bin finally comes back home. He landed in Incheon and called Yejin to let her know he has arrived safely

Yejin has been in his apartment since yesterday unbeknownst to him. She brought everything they would need for the next two weeks. She woke up early and started preparing for his arrival, she went to the kitchen to make his favorite meals. When she was done she went to the bathroom to freshen up and put on a pretty little dress and tied her hair to a bun

She was now in the living room waiting for him impatiently. He had called 30 minutes ago to let her know he tested negative and was on his way to his apartment to self quarantine. She was very happy to find out his results came back negative. She was tapping her foot and checking time, he'd be here any minute now

Yejin heard his apartment's door make a sound, she quickly stood up heading there. Hyun Bin entered and threw his backpack down taking off his shoes, when he looked up he was completely shocked to see her. Yejin threw herself in his arms, she missed him a lot

"Welcome home my love"

When he first saw her his initial thought was to reprimand her for being here but she looked so cute and smelled so good he just held her really tightly, he missed her scent and wrapping his large hands around her little waist. He looked at her

"Yejin why are you here? Why are you stubborn? We talked about this jagiya" He said heaving a sigh, she was his undoing. She looked at him with puppy eyes

"Don't look at me like that, you're wrong for coming here" he said tucking the little strand of hair behind her ear

"Are you hungry? I made your favorite dishes" she changed the topic giving him her eyesmile and breaking free from his hold. He caught her and tightened his hands around her waist, kissed the top of her head and rested his chin there closing his eyes, he felt home

"Thank you for waiting for me" he said in a whisper. As much as he didn't like that she was putting her life at risk, he knew that she was doing all of this because of the love she has for him

"Let me go take a quick shower so we can eat" Yejin nodded

She took his backpack from the floor and followed him to the bedroom. He took a 10 minute shower while she sat on the bed casually searching his bag for any goodies. Hyun Bin came out from the shower naked towel drying his hair

"Jagiya, have you seen my grey track pants?"

Yejin's eyes automatically went to his shaft and her face suddenly turned red as a tomato, she quickly looked away. Hyun Bin chuckled when he saw her getting shy

"Check in the closet on the left side corner" she pointed it to him

After Hyun Bin was done they went to the kitchen and started dishing up. Yejin brought her chair closer to him and they started eating while talking about how Jordan was and Yejin telling him how she missed him and how she was sometimes bored. Hyun Bin suggested that maybe it's time they get that puppy Yejin always wanted

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