Chapter 1: meet my hell of a life

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Summers PoV

"Come on Maisy we have to be out the house before daddy wakes, darling" I explain to my two year old daughter.

I should probably explain who I am so here goes... I'm summer Daniels and 18 years of age. I live in London with my gorgeous girl, Maisy and my not so gorgeous abusive boyfriend.

While rushing about I hear the sound I most didn't want to hear. Callum.
"Shit! Maisy we got to get out of here now!"
"Cause daddy is a very bad man and he'll hurt -
"Where do you think you are going bitch!" My poor excuse of a boyfriend asked while rushing towards us.
"Oh summer you weren't trying to leave me were you?"
"No,I was going to drop Maisy off at nursery and come straight back"
"What with all your bags? I smell bullshit" Callum States while grabbing Maisy and chucking her in another room, I would of said something but it would only make my punishment worse so I've learned to keep my mouth shut.
Callum. Callum was my first boyfriend. We were together all through school but everything changed at one party. It was my best friend, Becca's 15th birthday party and Callum was acting weird he led me to a room and raped me that was how Maisy was made. After Maisy was born the abuse didn't stop he even started hurting Maisy but I can never leave to tell anyone. I'm trapped in this never ending nightmare and there's no way out.


Hi everyone!
Here is the first chapter I'm sorry for the boring chapter but it'll get better

Please comment your opinions xx

Until next time

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