Chapter 33: new houses

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Summer's PoV

I get woken up by a cry, I check the time at it it's 1:30 in the morning. I groan and get up and go to see Luke. I walk into his room and see his small legs flying in the air, I smile and pick him up.

"What's that matter, baby?" I say and make my way downstairs to get his milk.

I try to go as quiet as possible but it's hard considering I have a screaming baby in my arms.


It's now 8:30 and I wake up to find Louis not next to me. I shrug and get up.

I get downstairs and see Louis feeding Luke I take a picture and upload it to Twitter,

@Summer_Danielsxx; Luke's first feed with daddy! @Louis_Tomlinson. Xx

I smile at the tweet. I walk in and Louis looks up and smiles.

"Morning, beautiful" I smile.

"Morning, you two" I say and smile at the both of them together.

"He's so cute,isn't he?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, just like his dad" I say and wink.

"More like his mum. I was thinking today we take Maisy to school, leave Luke with Becca and go house hunting?" Louis suggests.

"That sounds great" I say and smile. "What's Maisy doing?" I ask.

"She's had her breakfast and she's upstairs getting ready" Louis says and I nod.

"I'll go and see her" Louis nods as I walk out the room and head into Maisy's room.

"Morning, Maisy moo" I say and she looks up from her dolls, smiling.

"Morning mummy, I got myself dresses today" she says proudly and I smile at her proudly.

"Well done gorgeous, how're you enjoying school?" I ask.

"It's really fun and I've got two friends; Hannah and Rachel, they're so nice! We've started Jolly phonics and it's really good. There's this kitchen area and it's so fun! I lake meals for everyone!" Maisy explains jumping up and down.

"It seems fun, I can't wait to see Hannah and Rachel! It's good you're learning things! I had a kitchen area in my scoop and I used to live it there as well!" I say and plait her hair as she wants it like Elsa's from frozen.

"It is fun mummy! How's Luke?" She asks.

"He's fine and you're going to be a great big sister, aren't you?" I say and she nods. "Right come on gorgeous we've got to get you to school"

"Yey" she says and grabs her bag and walks out the room.

"Louis, you coming?"

"Yeah, I'll just get Luke into his push chair" I nod and think that this is our first family outing.


We're halfway there to to the school and Louis had the push chair and I have Maisy holding my hand.

"This is our first time out the house as a family" Louis says and I smile.

"Yeah it is"

We walk in silence and I take this time to think of the future. Me and Louis are going to get a house so we can focus on the kids. We're already planning on getting married but we don't know when to get married, i would like it around Christmas time but Louis was thinking about Valentine's Day but that's too cheesy.

We're at the school and Maisy has seen Hannah and Rachel and she's itching to get away, I kneel down to her height.

"Right missy have a fun day at school, be good and I love you gorgeous" I say and she jumps up and down.

"Will do, goodbye mummy and daddy!" She yells running to her friends.

"Did she just?" Louis asks.

"Yeah she did and you've deserved it. That Reminds me do you want to adopt her?" I ask

"Yes I would love to" Louis says smiling.

"Come on, let's drop Luke in the house and go house hunting" I say and hold his hand.


We've dropped Luke off at the house and Becca seems happy to look after him.

Louis says that's he's found a house just outside of London and we're traveling there now.

"How'd you like living on a farm?"Louis asks glancing over to me and back to the road.

"With animals?"

"If we get the house we can get animals if you want?" Louis asks.

"I've always wanted to live in a farm and the kids would love it" I say and Louis smiles.

"I can't wait for you too see it." He says squeezing my hand.

"Me either" I say which leads into a silence all I can hear is the soft hum of the radio in the background.


Louis pulls over outside of a huge cute house which I'm guessing is the one we're looking at.

When we enter there's a large hall, you wouldn't expect from the outside this to be so modern but it is.

We lead into a room and it's the living room it's a great size and looks cozy. The kitchen is huge and perfect.

We've had a look at the rest of the house and I love it, it seems so us and the kids will love it.

"Can we get it?" I ask jumping up and down.

"Yeah I love it, I'm half you do as well" he says and I squeal.

"Now we just have to focus on the wedding" Louis says and kisses my forehead.


Chapter 33! Sorry for not uploading as much but I've been busy.

Thank you for reading and please keep commenting and voting! I love you all.

Please remember to check my Brad one out.

Question of the chapter

Coffee or hot chocolate?

I don't like either but I live mocha

Until next time xx💞💞

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