Chapter 11: taken

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Louis's PoV

We're still at this party and I'm having a conversation with Harry about cheese when I realise that I haven't seen summer for a while. "Harry I'm just going to speak to Perrie for a minute" I say and walk over to the dance floor where Perrie is doing what looks like the robot.

"Perrie" I yell over the music she looks over and walks towards me.

"Hi Louis" she says

"Have you seen Summer lately" I ask

"The last time I saw her she was here and dancing then she said she needed the toilet that was about half an hour ago" Perrie explains. A wave of worry rushes over me.

"Thanks Perrie, can you keep and eye out for her?" I ask she nods.

"Is everything alright?" Perrie ask concern wrote all over her face.

"No but just keep a look out" I yell running towards the bathrooms. She's nowhere in sight a white piece of paper catches my eye I pick it up and it says;

Dear person who is with the bitch,
I've taken her and you're never going to get her back. Hahahahahah

From your worst nightmare

Callum. What do i do? I see Becca walking towards me.

"Are you ok?" She asks. I break down and hand her the letter, she reads it and begins to cry.

"What the fuck do we do?" I yell.

"I think we should get everyone together and tell them what's happened and the we go look for her" Becca suggests. I nod and we go outside and gather everyone together.

"Right as you all can tell something is not right so I'm going to have to tell you the whole story" I take a deep breath"when Summer was in high school she had a boyfriend named Callum they were together since year 7 but on Becca's 15th birthday party he-he raped her and that was how she had Maisy so young and he abused her after that. When we bumped into her she had just escaped from him. But he's back and he has taken Summer. I don't know where and we need to find her before he harms her." I finish and look up at everyone and they are all crying with me.

"Where do we start looking?" Niall asks

"I know where he used to live with his parents" Becca says we all nod and get a taxi there.


Becca's PoV

He's such a dick why does he have to do this again. We have arrived at his parents house and someone is in as the lights on. "I'll go" I say as I know them.

I step out the cab and walk towards the door, I haven't been here for years and it scares me to be back again. I've reached the door and I knock. His mum answers door and is surprised to see me.

"Hi mrs Cassidy, so you know where Callum lives now?" I ask

"Hi Becca and yeah here is his address, is there something wrong?" She says, do I lie?

"Oh no I just want to talk to him as I haven't seen him in 3 years, it was lovely seeing you mrs Cassidy" I smile and walk away

"You too Becca" she says as I walk away.

I climb in the car and give the driver the address.


Summer's PoV

The last thing I remember was getting hit in the face by Callum and I'm now tied to a chair. I hear a noise and Callum comes in with a belt.

"Oh, you stupid girl thinking you get away from me? I'll always get you back!" He says slowly walking over to me, he slowly raises the belt and smacks it down onto my thighs, I scream.

"What was that, harder?" He says and whips me again.

"What do you want from me!" I yell

"I just want you and no one else to have you"

"You selfish bastard!" I yell instantly regretting it as the belt comes in contact with my face, the last thing I see is Callum walking towards me and undoing his trouser buttons, here we go again.


Louis's PoV

We arrive at the house and Harry called the police on the way here. I gulp and walk out the car and approach the house "right girls stay out here as I don't know what's going to happen, lads come with me" I say and enter the house door the first thing I hear is Summer's scream I quicken my pace and run up the stairs. To see Callum leaning over the top of her with a whip and Summer just in her underwear, my blood boils.

Callum sees me and smiles "oh look we have company" he says and pulls out a gun and says "take a step nearer and she dies" he says pointing the gun at Summer.

"He doesn't have to" a voice appears behind me and I see two policemen with tasers. Callum shoots the gun at summer's stomach, I scream and go to her. I notice that Callum isn't paying attention so I strike at his face and beat the crap out of him but he hits me one time and all of a sudden he land right on top of me shaking, he's been tasered.

"Summer!" I say and run over to her. She still had her eyes open "summer, summer stay with me, I love you" I say as she closes her eyes.


Shits going dowwwwwwwnnnn

Chapter 11 everyone! Thanks so much for reading keep voting and commenting

Until next time xx

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