Chapter 28: Wish lists

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Summer's PoV

It's been 5 month since I was told I had cancer and everything seems to be going well, I've lost my all my hair but it's slowly growing back. The baby is fine and the doctors are surprised by how well he's doing, we've found out that the baby is a boy. Louis was so happy when he found that out. We've got an appointment with chemotherapy people today and I'm nervous.

Maisy comes running into my room with a barbie doll that has no hair.

"Mummy I've cut the dolls hair off so she can look like you because you're beautiful and everyone should want to look like you!" She says and I begin to cry.

"Aw Maisy that's so kind of you but what about your dolls hair it's not going to grow back?" I ask hugging her

"Well your hair is growing back and I'll just stick it back on" she says and I smile

"You do that gorgeous, me and Louis have to go somewhere today so Becca and everyone is going to look after you, baby" I say and she nods and runs out the room,where does she get the energy from?

I suppose I should get ready, I choose a hoodie and leggings because it's the hospital. I put a beanie on and do my makeup.

I'm finished getting ready and I see Louis waiting for me,

"Morning, you look gorgeous! Ready to go?" He asks and I smile and blush.

"Morning and thanks, yeah I'm ready" I say and grab my coat.


We've just arrived at the hospital, I hate hospitals they're all depressing and clinical. I've gotten used to them though.

Me and Louis walk holding hands towards the room where we need to be. I knock on the door and a voice tells us to come in.

"Morning Summer and Louis" the doctor says. And we both say morning back. "Have a seat" he says and we at down on the other side of his desk.

"The baby is doing fine and is healthy like any other baby would be. But after the chemotherapy I noticed that the cancer has spread to your lungs, I'm afraid you have blood and lung cancer and this will be harder to treat. However, scientists have created this medicine that can cure all cancer from the body. But you'll be the first person to use it but if it goes wrong I'm afraid you won't make it." The doctor says and my heart seems to stop, even more cancer.

"This medicine, what if it does work?" Louis asks crying.

"Well if it works she'll be cured and everything will be fine but the there is a risk and it's a big one. I'll leave you two to think about it and come and see me anytime you want." The doctor says and Louis begins to stand up but I interrupted him.

"Wait, I want to do it." I say and Louis looks shocked.

"But what if i loose you?" Louis says his voice cracking at the end.

"Louis you'd loose me anyway and I'd like to die knowing what's happening and not weak." I say and Louis agrees.

"But when will we do it?" Louis asks.

"Whenever we're ready" I say and Louis and the doctor both nod.

"Right so you can now go and I'll see you when you're ready to do it" the doctor says and we thank him on our way out.

Me and Louis walk in silence towards the car and the car ride is silent till Louis breaks it.

"When do you want to do it" he asks grabbing my hand with his left hand.

"Whenever we're ready but I want time to do things with everyone and create great memories" I say and Louis smiles.

"We'll be prepared for the best time of your life!" Louis says smiling and seems to be thinking of a plan.

"I would miss it for the world" I say and grip his hand tighter.

Louis' PoV

Yes I'm sad and upset about Summer's choice but she's right I would've lost her anyway. And with this way there is hope that she and the little Tommo might survive but she might not.

I'm going to make the time before the operation the best she has had ever had. I'm going to talk to Becca and Summer's family to get an idea of what I should do. I remember her mum saying something about her wish list so I'll have to have a look at that and we'll tick off as much as we can.


I'm at Summer's mums and I'm about to look at her wish list;

.Kiss in the rain
.Have a movie moment
.Go to a ball
.Have a proper eating competition
. Watch Disney films all day
.Go in a hot air balloon
.Fall in love ☑️

I looked at the list and smiled she's going to have so much and I'm going to make sure everything gets ticked off. I notice to fall in love was ticked off and I wanted to know who it was that made her tick that off

"Susan I would love to know who made her tick that" I say and point to it, she smiled.

"That was Maisy, when she had her she made me tick it off" she says and I smile.

"Aw that's lovely" I say "would you mind if I take this with me so I can complete them with her" I say and she looks confused.

"Why the rush, love?"

"Well we've got told that the cancer has spread to her lungs and she's not going to make it but there's this medicine that can get rid of the cancer but if it doesn't work she won't make it out of surgery. She told me that either way she would've died and we might as well try, she also said she didn't want to be completely lost and everything so she'll get it done when she's ready." I say and Susan begins to cry.

"Why does everything bad happen to Summer? And I think she picked the best idea and your plan is great and she'll love it" she says and I smile.

"I don't know why it always happens to her. And I think that now and thanks" I say and get up.

"Thank you for coming over Louis I loved having a chat, don't be a stranger" she says and hugs me.

"No bother and thank you for showing me her list and I won't be." I say and hug her back.


When I get back in the house, Summer must have told everyone as they look upset.

"Where's Summer?" I ask and Becca says upstairs. I'll tell them about the wish list idea. "Ok guys as you seem to know about the cancer I should tell you about my plan" I say and they all look confused. "Well I've had a look at her wish list and I'm going to help her complete everything on it" i say and they all smile.

I'm determined for Summer to have the best days of her life.


Chapter 28! Thank you so much for reading and please keep commenting and voting!

Sorry for not updating as regularly because I went shopping yesterday and I went for a walk today.

I got tickets to meet the vamps! I get to hug all of them!

Question of the chapter?

Did anyone else get tickets to meet them?

Until next time xx💞

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