Chapter 2: Showmance

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      "Hey Puck!" I called out to the mohawk'd football player. He looked back at me with a smirk.

       "Hey Rocky. Did you hear Hudson is aparentlly gay now with that one kid I throw in the dumpster every morning?" He asked, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

       Santana and I have been in this weird relationship more,with Puck since last year. Yet, I still haven't done the nasty with him. We mostly just make out and when he wants something he goes to Santana. I looked down and in his other hand was a slushie.

      "Who's that for?" I gestured to it. He looked down at the blue drink and another one of the football player joined us.

       "You are about to see." As we walked down the hall a little more, Quinn was yelling at Rachel about something till Rachel turned around and got a slushie facial. I walked away from Puck and to Quinn laughing. 

       "Have you seen Finn yet?" I asked her and she groaned.

      "He won't quit the club and I offered to let him touch my boobs. He is making me look like his gay beard. And Manhands is trying to get their hands on him." I looked at her with surprise. This is not the Finn I know. He would jump at the opportunity to get some action with Quinn.

      "Woah. Something is up." I said, and she just nodded.


     "The Celibacy Club is now in session. Thanks to a school rule that says we have to let anyone join the club, we're welcoming a new member this week. Rachel Whatshername." Quinn spoke as we introduced our new member to the rest of the cheerios.

       "Where are all the boys?" Rachel asked us.

       "Down the hall. First half hour, we separate. Then we come together to share our faith." I snapped at her before we all got up and started doing our thing. Me and Santana twirled around while everyone crowded us.

       "God bless the perv that invented these. Remember the power motto, girls. It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing." We all said the last part together before backing it up like a dump truck, as a girl said.

       Soon the boys came into the room, and we all got balloons.

       "Let's pair up for the Immaculate Affection." Santana was with Puck. Quinn with Finn. I was with Liam, a friend from the football team, and we laughed at the fact Rachel was stuck with JBI. "Now, remember, if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry." I was watching Puck grind on his balloon and suddenly there was a pop, but it wasn't theirs. "Finn!" Quinn yelled at her boyfriend.

       "It must have hit my zipper." He said a little embarrassed.

       "You know what? This is a joke." Rachel yelled, making everyone look at her. "Did you know that most studies have demonstrated that celibacy doesn't work in high schools? Our hormones are driving us too crazy to abstain." She looked around the room at our confused faces. "The second we start telling ourselves that there's no room for compromise, we act out. The only way to deal with teen sexuality is to be prepared. That's what contraception is for."

       "Don't you dare mention the "C" word." Quinn snapped.

       "You want to know a dirty little secret that none of them want you to know? Girls want sex just as much as guys do." She said before storming out.

       "Is-is that accurate?" JBI asked all of us and I just gave him an eye roll.


       Me and Quinn sat with the Cheerios waiting for the Assembly to start. Principal Figgins tapped on the mic to get our attention.

       "Silence, children. First, an announcement. The toilets are broken again. We are fixing the problem, but let me warn you. There will be zero tolerance for anyone soiling school grounds." Let's wait and see which football player does it first. "We're not going to have a repeat of last time. We have a treat for you guys today. Mr. Schuester." Suddenly we heard clapping and yelling from our counselor supporting Glee Club.

       "This should be good." I said, causing Quinn to laugh.

        "Hi. Uh, when I went to school here, Glee Club ruled this place. And we're on our way back." I looked over at Sue to see her trying not to laugh and me doing the same. We just smiled at each other and looked forward. "But we need some recruits to join the party. Now, I could tell you all about how great Glee is, but. Uh, I think I'm going to let some friends of mine show you instead." He left, revealing the Glee club.

       I looked at Quinn, horrified at what I was seeing, her having the same face as me and Coach Sue. While our Counselor and Principal was jamming out to the song. I snorted, seeing Finn get his ass slapped by Kurt. Finn started dancing inappropriate with Rachel, and Quinn was not having it.

       Suddenly the gym went wild with cheers. Well, everyone but the Cheerios at least.


       "I have to say, I'm really surprised you guys are trying out." Mr. Shue said to the four of us.

       "I'm sure you've read about this in the school paper. Finn and I have been an item for a while now, so what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't support him?" Quinn spoke for us.

       "Well, let's see what you've got." He said starting the music. Me, Santana, and Brit danced behind Quinn as she sang "Say a Little Prayer for You". Needless to say, we got in.



       "Let me get this straight. You're joining Glee Club?" Coach sue asked us as we all sat in front of her desk.

       "I'm sorry, Coach Sylvester, but something is going on between Fin and that thing. You saw how it was undressing him with its eyes." Quinn told her.

       "Please don't kick us off the Cheerios." I begged her. Then Sue stopped us.

       "Cease fire on the waterworks. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see it. You know, Q and R, When I fist laid eyes on you two, I was reminded of two young Sue Sylvesters, though you don't have my bone structure. But it wasn't until this very moment, I saw how alike we really are." I stared at her, confused but with a smirk. "You four are going to be my spies. I need eyes on the inside. We're going to bring this club down from within. Me, Brit, and Tana highfived each other, laughing.

       "And I'm going to get my boyfriend back." Quinn spoke.

       "I don't care so much about that."

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