Chapter 19: Dream On

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       "Okay, listen up. This is Mr. Ryan." Mr. Schue started off another lesson of glee club. "He's a member of the school board and he would like to say a few words." He walked away but came back to the center of the room. "I-i just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions." Mr. Schue sat down with us and Mr. Ryan spoke.

     "Take out a piece of paper, and on that piece of paper, I want you to write down your biggest dream." Everyone quickly grabbed a paper and started writing. "A dream that means so much you're afraid to admit it even to yourself."

      I looked at my piece of paper, thinking about what I wanted to write, what would be easy. Yet I knew my dream wasn't going to be easy.

'To be a bigger name than my father'

      That's what I wrote down. It's true I want to be more famous than him. Make a name for myself, a great one. 

      Suddenly the sound of paper crumbling was heard. I looked up to see Mr. Ryan snatching Artie's paper and throwing it away.

      "You're dream is never going to happen. Ninety-one percent of you will spend your entire lives living in Allen County, Ohio. So unless you wrote down that your dream was to work for a mid-market health insurance provider or find a entry-level job in a elderly-care facility you're going to be very disappointed." I looked down.

      "This is really depressing." Mercedes spoke up as I kept staring at my paper.

       "I'm going to guess that a lot of your dreams involves showbiz. Well, let me tell you showbiz dreams are the most unrealistic of them all."

      "But... that's what I want to do with my life." I looked up at Tina.

      "Oh, look, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. I'm just trying to spare you disappointment."

     "I think we get your point." Mr. Schue finally spoke.

     "Aw, well, Schuester, here's a prime example. He used to have that glimmer of hope in his eyes that I can see right now in all of yours. But.. he couldn't make it happen for himself. So he now has to try and convince you all that it'll happen for you. Guess what. His dream didn't work out. And neither will yours." Tina started crying, and I put my arm around her.

     "Okay, You're done here." Our teacher stood up.

      "You would be wise to show me some respect."

      "You've said your piece. Now get out."

      "Well, Schuester, I should thank you. You've made my decision about which program to cut a lot easier." And with that, our guest left.


      "I can't believe that, asshole!" I slammed my locker, startling Quinn a little. "I mean, who is to say our dreams won't come true. My dream shouldn't be hard considering how my father is a compete moron." Quinn smiled.

      "If it makes you feel better, I wrote that I wouldn't have stretch marks." I raised my eyebrow at her.

       "Wait, we can avoid that?" She laughed, causing me to laugh. I love seeing her happy.

    "I hope so." I smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

      "I gotta go but I'll see you later, okay?" She nodded and muttered a bye, going to find Puck.

       I headed to the auditorium to practice a song that I think would be good for dreaming since I think that would be good.

"I'm gonna fight'em all. A seven nation army couldn't hold me back."


      "Guys I've got good news. I siphoned off funds from the Cheerios and I took a little shopping spree through the Jazz Hands catalog. You know why? 'Cause the arts matter." Mr. Ryan said to the New Directions. I looked at Joshua.

      "This isn't going to go well." I whispered into his ear and he nodded with a raised eyebrow still looking at the man.

     "And I got custom made New DIrection jean jackets." That caught Kurts eye quick as he hurried to the front. " And some rad tear-away dance wear. Hello. And every piece of sheet music from every Broadway show for the last 50 years everything a show choir needs to become champions."

     "Wow. That's just amazing. Let's all give a hand for Mr. Ryan." We started clapping and Mr. Ryan tha  nked us. Suddenly Sue came in.

    "Congratulations Will. I am over the moon for you."

      "Thanks. Sue. I'm glad you have a good attitude about your budget being cut." I looked at the three adults in the room waiting.

      "Oh, no I'm not talking about that. I came over here to congratulate you on your new role. Local director Herb Duncan, uh, does the dry cleaning for the Cheerios and he lets slip that you just landed the lead in Les Mis. Congratulations. Oh, I'm ecstatic and the good news just keeps coming, 'cause you got a part too, Bry. The exciting role of Towns person. And you got a line too. Way back here in the second act, you get to say," Hooray" Congratulations, both of you, really. I can't wait for opening night." After she was done, she left leaving a dense, filled room. I shook my head. Damn it Sue.

    Mr. Ryan started taking away everything he gave the club.

     "Wait, Bryan."

      "Congratulations, Will. You're gonna be great in the show."

      "Can we talk about this?"

     "There's nothing to talk about. I'm cutting the program." I looked over to my little brother.

     "Told you."

     "Shut up." 


         I lay down on my bed staring at my ceiling, seeing if my father will call me like he does Josh. I can hear a knock from my door.

       "Can I come in?" Before I can answer, the door opened to Julian.

     "What do you want?" I glared at him.

      "Dad's not going to call, you know. The only person he'll talk to is Joshie." He said, sitting down on my bed. I sat up and looked at him.

       "Well, doesn't hurt to hope I guess." I told him and he looked down sadly.

       "I want to sing but I don't wanna be in glee club just yet." He confessed, and I nodded. "I want something else then football and Glee Club seems like a family. I never really had one till I came down here with you and mom." I took my younger brother's hand.

      "I'm glad you are here, Julian. Mom tries her best and New Directions are a family and we'll welcome you with open arms whenever you are ready." We smiled at each other. "So can you sing?"

       "Duh. I'm in a whole family that can sing." He laughed.

       "Well, we'll start tomorrow, okay? You gonna need your rest. I'm going to work you hard you know?" I laughed back at him.

     "Wouldn't want it any other way."

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