Chapter 14: Hell-O

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       "What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" Mr. Schue asked us.

       "What up?" Mercedes said followed by Artie, me, and Kurt.

       "Who this be?"

       "No, I can't make your dog a star." I got a few weird looks.

       "No, she's dead. This is her son." Kurt made everyone even more confused.

        "O-kay..." Mr. Schue responded to him before moving on. "Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say "Ahoy, ahoy" when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided the "hello" was a more appropriate greeting. Look, I am really proud of what you guys did at Sectionals, but most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day at school." He told us, getting a response out of Rachel.

       "I have a slushee-stained training bra to prove it." I smiled at her. I remember helping her get the slushy out of her hair that day.

       "The fact is, we're gonna have to better, even more spectacular, at Regionals. It's time for some reinvention, some new New Directions. We need a new... hello. Here's your assignment for the week. Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have "hello" in the song title, all right?" Mr. Schue told us, and I looked down wondering if I was even going to do the assignment.


       I pulled into my driveway, turning off my music and walking inside. As I was reached the door, I could hear talking from the house. Mom rarely has company, which confused me but I shrugged it off. I opened the door and seen suitcases.

       "Mom?" I called out and heard a response from the living room. "Whose moving?" I asked again, hearing another response.

       "We are." I looked up, seeing my two younger brothers. They are fraternal twins. My mom and dad hooked up again while they were drunk and boom, they now had a 1-year-old and 2 newborns. However, dad took care of them instead of me.

      "What? Dad finally decided he didn't want to deal with you also?" I crossed my arms at them. Mostly Julian, the troublemaker. Joshua was the quiet one and I'm sure is gay or bisexual like me. Julian was about to speak, but Joshua interrupted him.

       "Julian got kicked out of his old school for setting a fire in the cafeteria." I looked at the little arsonist, confused. "Now dad would rather look after his band than us. The band is also trouble, but he gets paid to deal with them. I think you'd like them Gab-"

      "Rocky. Stuff changed a lot in 5 years." I interrupted him, making him nod. "I don't wanna meet them, anyway. I feel sorry for them. I mean, having to deal with that fu-"

      "Gabriella Rocque!" My mom yelled at me. I stormed upstairs and packed a suitcase of clothes to last me a week or so. "Where are you going?" She asked following me as my brothers looked at me confused.

     "Away for a while. I need time to think without getting my bed set on fire." Julian looked offended but also looked amused and proud. "Bye, Joshua. I'll see you guys at school." With that, I grabbed my car keys and walked to my car.

     I drove a couple blocks, having my music up loudly. I pulled into the mall parking lot, which was empty due to the fact it was 8 at night.

     "MotherFucker!" I screamed, hitting my steering wheel. "What the fuck am I going to do now?" I asked myself before remembering I was invited to a sleepover at Kurt's but rejected earlier thinking mom would want to watch a movie tonight. I looked down at my phone, seeing a text from 3 hours ago.

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