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"What the fuck is your game?!"

I requested Milas company at a work event tonight and once again she declined and I'm not fuckin having it anymore. She calls me out of the blue to rescue her from some messed up situation in a restaurant bathroom and like a fool I jump in my car and rush over there but then when I ask her on a date, for which she will be paid... in fact over paid she sticks her middle finger up at me

"Callan, I can't talk to you right now"

"To hell you can't, I came running like an asshole when you called me last week and here you are declining me again, explain"

"It's just not a good time, I'm not trying to be a bitch"

"Yeah well you are coming across as a complete bitch, It was dinner with some work colleagues Mila, 1000 dollars for a couple of hours eating and chatting and that's too much for you??? "

"You wouldn't want me to meet any of your colleagues today trust me"

Trust her?! Is this girl kidding me right now?!

"You're just screwing with me aren't you? you take my money, shake your ass in my face but it's all just a game to you" I don't know what I'm saying or why I'm saying it but the words keep spewing over my lips, a red hot anger bubbling in my guts.

I'm not used to not being the one calling the shots and I can't stand it. I want her on her knees obeying my every fuckin demand but instead she's walking away from me, middle finger held high and for some reason I'm chasing behind her like a little lap dog.

Fuck this girl!

"You're coming with me"

"Callan I can't"

"Call it a thank you for me punching a guy in the face for you"

"I appreciate what you did, really I do and I will make it up to you but I can't come tonight"

"You're coming"



I can hear her frustration and it's just making me even hotter for her, I love that she reacts to me and yet doesn't hang up the phone.

"I'm going to hang up now"

"I thought you might say that..." I don't get to finish my sentence before the dial tone is loud in my ear but I just smirk, knowing that for once I am one step ahead of her so I raise my hand and knock hard on the dark wooden door of her apartment. I hear muffled voices and then the door opens a crack and I recognize the dark eyes staring up at me

"Surprise! " I say and grin at the look of shock on her face and then my grin falls as I spot something else on those beautiful features... fear "What's going on?" I meant it as a question but it comes out sounding much harsher than I intended. I hear another female asking who it is and instead of waiting for Mila to answer I do it for her "It's Callan" I announce and then hear both girls arguing over whether to let me in or not. Mila definitely doesn't want me here whilst her friend seems more than eager to let me in, in the end I take it out of both their hands by placing my palm on the door and pushing hard causing Mila to lose grip of it and what I see takes a while to process.

The apartment is torn apart, everything is completely destroyed, Mila stands wringing her hands wearing tiny black shorts and an oversized white tank top over a sports bra, her hair is in disarray and her face is pale. Her friends eyes are red rimmed and blood shot, a reddish purple patch standing out against her porcelain colored skin something dramatic has gone down here and my gut turns at the possibilities

"New decorators or..."

"Milas boyfriend went apeshit" the blond with the battered face speaks before Mila can and I look to the tiny brunette to the right of me and can see from her face it's the truth

"He hurt you?" the blond nods "Mila?" I try to keep my voice calm not wanting to cause the girls any more alarm but I know that if Mila confirms she has been hurt too that I'm about to lose my shit

"Look" the blond grabs Mila's hands and I see red marks on her wrists and then she pulls down Mila's shirt and I see a bruise and a graze forming over her chest

"Where is he?"

"Cal this isn't your concern" Mila's eyes are huge, her desire to stop any further violence evident but I'm afraid it's too late for that. My temper is short at the best of times but standing in amongst the ruins of Mila's apartment knowing a fully grown man did this whilst putting his hands on her and her friend means I'm a man capable of committing murder

"Where the fuck is he Mila??"

"I assume you are talking about me" the male voice appears from nowhere and as we all spin to face the door I see the loser from the medical fundraiser stood there, no shame or regret evident on his face at all

"Cal..." Mila says my name as though she can read my mind but it's too little too late because by the time it's hit the air I have crossed the room and grabbed the dickhead by the neck pulling him forward and slamming his head into the ground. I'm aware of Mila screaming my name as her friend holds her back telling her it's what the boy deserves but I can't control myself, the marks on her wrists and chest provoke me to act and I take my knee and slam it into the small of his back as I grab the back of his hair

"Stop!" his voice is whiney and pathetic but all I hear is Mila's voice begging the same of him hours earlier

Pulling his head back by his hair I slam his face into the ground as Mila's friend squeals in delight but it doesn't take long for Mila to make her way to us, she grabs me by the shoulders pushing me back, her eyes begging me as her lips say words I'm completely deaf to. Her boyfriend gurgles something incoherently and I leap to my feet pulling him up by the hair, my aim is to throw him from the apartment but before I get the chance the blond is in front of us bringing her hand down harshly against the skin of his cheek.

"Come back here and I will have you in jail being fucked as somebodies wife quicker than you cum when u r in bed with Mila"

I chuckle at her boldness as I throw the lowlife through the front door and slam it shut behind him and I can't help but turn to the blond and grin

"I like you" I inform her and she raises a hand to hi-5 me, "but you... "I fix Mila in my steely glaze " you I want in my bed"

"Loser" she says it with a smile on her voice and I walk to her and take her wrist in my hand "I would have killed him for you" I say honestly and for the first time she shrinks back under my gaze

"Let me take you out, no Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy bullshit just Mila and Cal" I slip a hand into her shirt and run my fingers over her injured chest

"I hate you" her voice is just a whisper she smiles though and then she bites down on her bottom lip and my groin heats up immediately "Tomorrow?"

"I will never say no to you" I say it with complete honesty "I will have my driver pick you up at 7?" she nods as I raise her hand to my lips and kiss the angry red marks

"It's a date" she confirms

Halle- fuckin- lujah, I can hear my dick singing in my pants

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