I Am Not Your Property

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Reaching out I wrap my fingers around her wrist and pull her away from Tom and into my body. I see my friend start to protest but I just hold a finger to my lips telling him to shut it and then hold one finger up to him letting know I just need one minute and before he can splutter another word I'm pulling her through the crowd, glad that she puts up little protest because if I was to throw her over my shoulder and carry her off in the dress she's wearing every single person would get a good view of every single thing I want to get my hands back on.

Stopping in a quiet area she yanks her hand from mine and plants her hands onto her hips, daring me to make my next move.

Oh I'm going to make it and she's going to love it.

I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her roughly into me, our hips colliding and causing a blissful rush of blood

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, my voice low, my eyes scanning down her neck and lingering on her chest, the urge to just bury my face in it growing stronger through my drunken haze

"What do you think I'm doing?" she presses her hips harder to mine and looks up, her eyes lingering on my lips as she bites down on her own and I'm about 2 seconds from doing the job for her

"I think...you're pissed that I didn't call you after our little 'rendezvous', you spotted me out with my friends and decided to use Tom to make me jealous" I take my finger and rub it gently over her lips, biting down on my own bottom lip to make sure I keep control of myself

"And there he is Mr. Egotistical Asshole, welcome back"  She smirks as she raises a hand to my chest and attempts to push me away but I just tighten my grip. Mila is hot and does things to me at all times but Mila pissed of is enough to bring me to my knees and have me begging to worship her body for the rest of my life. I should be concerned by that reaction, I should let go of my grip on her waist and let her go home with Tom but there's as much chance of that happening as there is of me not acting like an asshole

"Has it ever crossed that self obsessed mind of yours that maybe I thought he was hot and maybe just maybe this has nothing to do with you at all?"


She rolls her eyes and mouths 'asshole' but that thought had genuinely never entered my head. This was to get back at me, pure and simple "He's not your type" I whisper into her ear

"And how do you know what 'my type' is, you have known me for a split second of time annoyed me for most of it, fucked me once.."

"um...that was more than once" I run my tongue over my lips and start to move my hands from her waist to her ass

"OK, let me rephrase that. You have fucked me on one occasion. That hardly qualifies you to act as a matchmaker for me"

"Really?" both of my hands land on her ass and I squeeze hard causing her to grind her centre into mine "That's a shame cos I would have said it's game, set and match right here" and as the flames of want spread through my groin and up into my stomach I cave in to my cardnal desire and grab her mouth with my own kissing her like she was my feast and I was a starving man.

"What the fuck?! Michaels!!!"

No Tom, not now, don't do this now!!!

My friends hands wrap around my shoulders and tear me away from Mila and he's lucky isn't eating his teeth already

"Michaels! Fuck sake we just spoke about this" Mila looks at me and raises an eyebrow "This one was off limits"

"Off limits... This one?" Mila's voice is low, her look cold as her eyes move between Tom and I

"Tom not now, Mila..."

"Yes asshole?" She looks up at me, her face so innocent and calm and I know I'm about to be in a whole world of trouble


Off fuckin limits?! Is this guy kidding me right now?

"So you got what you wanted and then gave me away to your friend?!" Callans eyes narrow as he pulls a long slow breath into his chest

"No" he drags the word out slowly as though buying time for the lameass explanation I know will follow but before he can speak his 'friend' is in between us, his hands on my cheeks, his face lowered to mine

"Baby, ignore this guy, he's drunk, he has a girlfriend"

"She knows exactly who I am Tom" Callans voice is darker than I have ever heard it and as I look up at him I see real anger bubbling behind his eyes, I just don't know if it's directed at me or the friend that just pulled his face off of mine

"Wait a second... You guys know each other?" It slowly dawns on 'Tom' that Callan and I aren't strangers and the look on his face is almost comical

"Bingo! So I suggest you take your clammy hands off her now, before you and I have a real problem"

What the hell is this kids problem? He wanted me, he had me then he didn't want me anymore now someone else wants me and he's looking at him as though he's about ready to commit murder. Like someone took something that belonged to him like he doesn't realise that I don't belong to anyone except myself, not my dad and definitely not some hit it and quit it sugar daddy.

"I came out to meet a guy and I have met one" I reach up to touch Tom's cheek but before I make contact Shawn's hand is around my forearm

"Don't do that" he seethes "Don't you dare touch him like that"

"Fuck! I am not your property Cal" I pull my arm from his grip as Tom pushes him hard by the chest and that's apparently all it takes for him to completely lose his mind.

In a split second Tom is spun around as Callan pushes his arm so far up his back I can hear the bones creak. His other arm wraps tightly around Tom's throat, his forearm digging in so hard his victims face begins turning purple

"Callan!" I try to pull his arm away from the smaller man's throat, terrified he's actually going to kill him but it's no good, he's too strong and his temper is too far gone "Callan!" again I pull at his arm and when he doesn't release Tom I start slapping and thumping his arm for all its worth, screaming his name at him over and over again. Just as I begin to panic that someone is actually being murdered right in front of my eyes, more hands appear, bigger, stronger than the man seccombing to Callans might but this time there's no struggle, the hands rest on his shoulders as lips speak words I cant hear into his ear and finally he releases his grip. Tom falling forward into my arms as we both crash backwards onto the table behind us sending champagne glasses and  beer bottles falling

"Mother Fucker!" Callan spits as once again he reaches for his friend, dragging him backwards off of me and throwing him down hard onto the nightclub floor, he draws his foot back preparing to kick but again his friends hands are on his shoulders, this time pulling him back into the crowd and away from me. Our eyes meet briefly as he looks back over his shoulder

"We aren't done with this Mila" he shouts and it sounds like a promise and it's causes heat and fear to collide within me.

Who is this man? This arrogant, gentle, violent, giving man and why does he make me hate him and want him all at the same time?

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