How To Make A Shitstorm Disappear

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"Callan, Callan, Callan"

Robin looks at me with one eyebrow cocked. They know something I don't know but I will be damned if I ask

"That's boss, boss, boss to you thankyou very much, now more coffee, less chatter"

I take the coffee that's handed over and wait for the information I know is coming. Robin is a lot of things but able to hold their tongue when it comes to gossip is not one of them so I kick back in my chair, take in the scent of my Monday morning coffee and allow them to take the floor.

"Guess who called me this morning"

"No I won't guess, you will just tell me" they roll their eyes at my obstenance but never take offense, they know me too well. 

Robin has been my assistant since day one and they are as loyal as blood. I have never asked which gender they were assigned at birth because it's never really mattered, they look like the perfect mix of both, curvy and smooth skinned like a girl but tall with short purple hair like a man. Their outfits consist of tweed trouser suits with a tank top underneath but I see very little hint of cleavage, either way they are the backbone to my business and my personal life too. Making chaos and destruction disappear for me is usually high on their list of priorities

Dropping onto the black leather chair at the opposite side of my desk they sip at their coffee in a challenge of wills but I know for a fact their will to tell will break long before my will to know

"Okay, okay you can stop begging me I will tell you" I roll my eyes, sip my black coffee and wait for it.

"Our little local reporter friend"


"She's wondering what we had to say about reports that 'Hot Males Under 30' contender Callan Michaels was brawling like a school boy over a girl this weekend"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"What does she want?"

"What she always wants to make this kind of story disappear, dinner with a happy ending', I assumed your answer would be as it always is. The tables booked for tonight, 7.30, same place as usual"

I must hesitate for too long because Robin's coffee cup is slammed down on to the table and they are gazing at me intently with their piercing blue eyes

"What's going on?"


"Fighting over a girl, hesitating over a fuck date... Don't tell me Callan Michaels has caught some feelings"

"No way! Fuck that shit! I was drunk and Tom pissed me off, that's all there was to it"

"And the girl?"

"She's good in bed, I was drunk I wanted a second round"

Robin's hand slams dramatically to their chest and I know immediately I have made a mistake.

"Callan Michaels... going back for seconds??" Robin throws themself backward in the seat and let's their eyes drop shut in shock, breathing heavy and shaking their head back and forth

"Shut the fuck up and go do some work" I take a gulp of coffee and then sit and pout

"OK, joke's over. Talk to me"

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Jared said you were ready to kill Tom over whoever she is"

I just shake my head as though what he's saying is ridiculous but I lost control the other night, I know I did, I'm just lucky that Jared was there to keep me in hand, he's the only one that can control me when I'm like that. Was it as simple as too much alcohol or was it Mila? Two days later and I still can't be sure


I don't do feelings, I don't do sloppy seconds but fuck it all to hell, I lost my mind, I over reacted, I hurt my friend and no doubt scared Mila

Dinner with a happy ending to make a shit storm disappear sounds like just the thing I need, to get lost in my normal life and forget about all the stuff I don't understand.


"Where have you been? Why are you smiling?" Taylor grins at me like the cat that got the cream and I know only a man could be responsible for that smile

"Callan..." I'm off the couch and in front of her with my hands on my hips faster that a bullet from a gun "Okay, green monster, calm the fuck down. Callans friend Joel... He was at the table when Callan did his whole 'I am man!" routine and since you left me stood there all alone we got talking"

"That isn't a 'we talked' face" I draw a circle in the air around her face "That's a 'we fucked' face"

"Well actually it's a we spent two days in bed fucking face but you were close enough"

She shrugs off her coat and I can see multiple red and purple marks on her neck

"He was hungry I see" motioning to her sex wounds

"Ravenous. God Mila he's hot" She shudders just at the thought of him as she ties her hair into a top knot and then sits next to me on the couch and wraps an arm around my neck

"I needed you" I pout and tilt my head so it rests on her shoulder

"He's a dick Mila, forget him"

"I can't"

"He's dangerous"

"He's so hot though Taylor"

"He's violent for fuck sake!!! "

"Over me, because he thought I was going to leave with someone else and he was jealous of that" I know how messed up it sounds, I can see the flashing lights, hear the alarm bells in my head but none of it matters, I want him. My mind is decaying with images of he and I. That look on his face when he looked at me like he could eat me up in the middle of the club, the rasp of his voice as he shouted back that we weren't finished it all just left me desperate for more. More of his time, more of his attention, of his body on mine

"Joel's calling me later, we are going out tonight"

And there is is, what I will never have with someone like Callan, no phone call when he says he will call, no romantic dinner, no sweet words, he isn't the kind of guy to be gentle and romantic, he was rough and fuck if I didn't love his kind of rough

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