Miki My Friend, You And I Are About To Have A Motherfuckin Problem

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Well I guess you could say my career as a 'sugar baby' was pretty short lived. Instead of coming out of it with the money to attend fashion design school in New York I came out of it with a boyfriend... Which is great, I'm not complaining but I need money, I need to eat and live and escape this city and prove to my dad that he was wrong about everything he ever thought about me, so here I am...working a normal job for the first time in my life and fuck me it sucks.

Every day I'm up at 5am to make it to the store for 6 then I spend the day tagging and hanging item after item of clothing only a reject from Dallas would ever consider wearing and then at 5 when I'm finally finished and desperate to get back to my super hot boyfriend I have to head across town and start my shift at Winifred's Diner.

I spend my days exhausted and not in the way I'm used to. Cal hasn't been able to get near me for days and he isn't taking it well and to be honest neither am I. We have been a couple for such a short period of time but already I feel myself becoming more attached than I want to be.

I miss him, and not just his body either. I miss him, his ego, his attitude, his whispers... I owe him some of my time but I just don't know when I can fit him in

"Mila, quick, get your ass out here" it's my manager Donna, she's bottle blond and overly tanned, about my age but she's nice, if not slightly light on brain cells.

I walk out of the back room on to the show floor and immediately see what has her so flummoxed because strutting amongst the the rails of clothing as though he owns the place in a designer suit and sunglasses is my ex-sugar daddy, current boyfriend and number one crush, Callan

"My God Mila, he's so hot I think he might set fire to the store" I shake my head as he turns in our direction and he pushes his shades into his hair "Holy baby Jesus" she crosses her self and looks to the sky whispering her apologies to God as Cals eyes move from my face, down over my black tank top and black denim shorts, down my thighs and stop as he takes in the black heels I'm wearing, in a second his eyes are back on mine only this time there's a fire in them enough to burn us all to hell

"He looks like he wants to eat someone up" she whispers licking her lips and adjusting her 'assets' in her gold bustier

"Yip" I sigh, stepping towards him "That will be me"

"Baby girl" he says, his voice low, his eyes hot as his hands reach for my waist and I feel my cheeks redden because we have company and I am at work, a fact he seem oblivious to.

"Cal" I say attempting to pry his hands off my skin but he has hold of me for the first time in three days and apparently he isn't letting go so I melt into his side and wrap an arm around his waist "this is my manager Donna, Donna this is Callan" he looks down at me unimpressed and fakes a cough

"Um, full title please" I roll my eyes knowing exactly what he means.

"Donna, this is my boyfriend Callan. There, happy?" I ask and he just shakes his head

"Far from it. Three days Mila?!"

"The whole of three days Cal, wow, such a long time"

"Donna, I'm sorry but it's been three days since I was alone with my girl, is there a room we could use for a moment or two?" He fixes her with his most innocent smile and I know immediately she's a gonner

"The staff room has a lock on it, but be quick, Miki's due back any second"

Just as she finishes the sentence and points to the room next to the one I just came from his hands are behind my thighs, lifting me to his waist and heading to the staff room, his 'enthusiasm' already pressing hard in to my core.


Slamming the door shut behind us I manage to push the lock across as Mila wraps her arms around my neck and starts nibbling the shell of my ear.

Three days! She says it like it's been three seconds but when it feels this good three days is more like three years.

I drop her down onto her feet and hold her face in my hands as I dive into her mouth, swallowing up every breath, every moan, kissing and biting her lips as my tongue becomes an avid explorer of her mouth. I reach down and undo the button of her shorts and eagerly slide my hand in, needing to feel her heat, needing the boost to my ego it gives me to know just how wet I can get her just by kissing her but just as my fingers make contact with the thin material of her panties someone knocks hard on the door and we both freeze.


"Mila, are you in there?" Asks a heavily accented male voice

"Who the fuck is that?"

"That's Miki the owner" she drags my hand out of her underwear and fastens the button before I can whine out my complaint "Baby I'm sorry, but you got a little action right? Will that keep you going?" She looks apologetically at the tent in the front of my pants and I drop my head to hers

"No it won't fuckin 'keep me going', it's likely to cause me to drop dead, cause of death blue balls" She kisses me softly and then mouths 'sorry' once more before slipping out the door, giving me time to either recover or die, I'm not sure which way It going to go right now.

"Hey Miki" I hear Mila's voice and then a low masculine groan and I'm about ready to cut my own dick off so I can get out there and see what this guy's game is

"You look amazing today, absolutely stunning darlin'"

What the fuck did he just say to her?! And in that fuckin accent??? Hell no!

I close my eyes and think of my grandma and sweet little puppy dogs anything except the party still raging in my pants

"Uh, thank you " her voice is hesitant and I know it's because she's knows I can hear the exchange and that makes me wonder about what she's afraid of, my reaction or just what the hell he's going to say next.

I hear rummaging, as though someone's looking for something in a bag and I press an ear to the door as I continue to think about to the queen, Donald Trump, anything gross enough to turn me off but as usual it's a lot harder to turn me off than it is for Mila to turn me on

"Here...open wide"

What the actual fuck Is this boy doing???

"No Miki it's fine honestly..."

"You don't want it? You loved eating it last time"

My stomach almost drops out of my ass as I recognise that tone of voice, the insinuation he's making.

The blood finally leaves my dick and floods my face as I reach for the door

Miki my friend, you and I are about to have one big motherfucking problem

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