This Girl Is Fuckin Insane

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Okay, so going down on Mila is my new favourite thing to do in life. This girl has had me by the nut sack ever since I met her but now, in this position, I'm the one in control. A little lick here, a little bite there and I have her under my complete control.

My name has never sounded sweeter than it does bouncing off the walls of Dr. Morellos office and the fact I know he can hear every noise she makes whilst her eyes are covered with his neck tie gives me all kinds of perverse pleasure

A bang on the door should bring me to my senses but instead it spurs me on, I'm not going to all this effort for nothing. We aren't leaving here until Miss Attitude comes apart on my tongue

"Cal... Fuck..."

"Mila!" Her dad sounds furious as he rattles the door, lucky for us I remembered to lock it and lucky for him you can only unlock it from the inside otherwise the sight he walks in on might give an old timer with a stick up his ass like him a heart attack.

" Have you ever gone down on a girl whilst her father tries to get into the room before?" she asks, her voice breathless and the thought of what we are actually doing causes my dick to try and break out through the fabric of my pants. This suit was expensive, too expensive to justify if I'm being honest but if I end the night with a dick size hole in the front of my pants I'm framing them and hanging them up in my office.

As I push a finger inside of her and continue to work her with my mouth a moan rips free of her chest and I hear her father gasp in shock, any illusion he had that we were in here playing an enthusiastic game of scrabble has just gone out the window and the ferocity he screams her name with leaves me in no doubt that he's about ready to kick the door down to get to us so I insert a second finger and then give it all I have, sucking and licking, moving in and out, biting and blowing until suddenly she gasps and grabs my hair and lifts her hips, pushing my face into her heat as my name slips over her lips loudly like warm honey covering me and as she continues to move against me in ecstasy I feel like this is the proudest moment of my life.

Fuck graduating with honors, fuck being the youngest CEO in the country, fuck the money and the magazine covers, I just made Miss 'I hate you', my 'little miss attitude' cum using my mouth and I'm fucking delirious

"Wow" she gasps and both heads feel big enough to pop. "Who knew you could do that?!"

"Don't you know by now I can do everything?" I tease as I reach to untie her hands and release the blindfold, feeling pretty pleased with how red and sweaty I have made her.

Standing up, she pulls down her skirt and then presses her lips to mine, running her tongue over and then licking my lips

"Wow, I taste pretty great" I want more than just a quick lick so I grab her hips and pull her to me but at that exact moment I hear an object being hit against the door whilst a female hollers Milas name.

Very calmly I walk to the door and lift the catch causing everyone to freeze like statues as I laugh at the looks on their faces. Running a finger along my bottom lip I pat Dr. Morellos back and walk towards the door, pausing only to look back over my shoulder and see Mila handing her father's tie back to him, the one I had just used as a blindfold on her and then drops a kiss to her mother's cheek with the lips that had just tasted her self via mine and I cant help but chuckle and shake my head. This girl is insane and I like it way more than I should do

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