We Wont Work

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I look down at her and she looks so beautiful I swear I can't breathe for a second. All she's wearing is a baggy white t-shirt that hangs off of one shoulder and a pair of socks as far as I can see but with her her hair hanging in a plait over her shoulder I can't remember ever being speechless at the sight of a girl.

I try not to make it obvious how she's effecting me so I just hook my hands under her arms and left her so her face is next to mine. She doesn't wrap her legs around me eager to connect our centres she just hooks her arms around my neck and allows my lips to explore hers.

I feel the buzz of electricity immediately, the tightness of my pants but I'm in no hurry for release I just want to savour this moment, this kiss, this feeling, whatever the hell it is.

I step further into the apartment and spin us both around and I can't believe what I'm doing or why the hell I'm doing it but it feels right, like time has slowed down and it just me and her, the warmth of her lips dissolving any resolve I had to not let this happen.

I make my way through to her bedroom and she's bound to think I have only one thing on my mind and I do, only for once it's not just getting her naked, it's just her... All of her, I don't know what the hell I'm getting in to here,but I know I'm already too far in to climb out unscathed.

I place her on her bed and kneel in front of her and the look on her face tells me she's expecting something faster than I'm willing to give it to her tonight so I lift a foot and start at her ankle kissing further and further up her leg to her knee and then tilting my head so I can place kiss after kiss to her inner thigh, stopping just before I get where she wants me and then lifting the other leg and starting all over again

"How was your evening?" I ask the question out of genuine curiosity but she looks at me suspiciously

"If I say great will you sack Robin?"


"Then it was great"

"As great as this?" I say placing a kiss to her core over her panties

"Nothing's as great as this" she says honestly and pulls me by my hair until our lips are joined once more and she's kissing me like her life depended on it, each time I try to pull away to speak she pulls me back, kissing and licking, exploring my mouth with a hunger I would usually match but not today, today isn't about fast and hard and as many positions as possible today is about one thing and one thing only... Mila

"Hey slow down"

"I don't do slow" she whispers into my ear and then nibbles on my ear lobe and it takes every ounce of self control I have not to just give in to the fire burning in my groin

"Please" I force myself to say whilst my fingertips toy with the hem of her t shirt, every part of my body begging me to stop being a dick and just give the girl what she wants but no... I promised myself on the way over here that it would be about more than just this and I want to stick to that

"What's going on?" she puts some distance between our faces and gently strokes my hair and I want to crawl up into her lap and just lay there for the rest of eternity

You what??? Where the fuck is this shit coming from??

I shake my head and attempt to dislodge the lameness that has taken control of my brain

"I was thinking..."

Do it! Say it! And don't sound like a dick whilst saying it, be normal don't be... Cal

"Yes?" her dark eyes burn into mine, as though she's trying to read my soul and I love it and hate it all at the same time "Come on Cal, spit it out, you have way too many clothes on right now" She reaches for my t-shirt and pulls it over my head before I can object and I can't deny I love when she gets forceful and takes control but no... I need to be in control of this, if I'm going to say what I want to say and get what I want to have I just have to work out how to say it without being an asshole.

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