Alexa, Play, Because I'm Happy

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"Babe look at this one" I sit down on Cals lap and hand him my iPad. I have been looking at apartments in New York for weeks now but not one meets his ridiculous standards. I want nice and homely in a safe part of town he wants penthouse, pool, personal elevator...the list of extravagances goes on and on.

He watches the tour video for all of 30 seconds before he turns it off


"No. No way"

"What's wrong this time?"

"Too much glass, I want to be able to fuck you any where any time without the entire city getting a show they haven't paid for" I roll my eyes at his coarseness and then begin running my fingers through his hair

"But baby It's always been a fantasy of mine..." I kiss his cheek "I come home from a busy day" I kiss his nose "I'm tired, you're naked" I giggle as his eyebrows almost shoot north into his hair "You strip me down because I'm so exhausted I can't do it myself" I see his eyes darkening, the pupils widening in expectation " I'm not really able to do much so you lift me to your waist the way you know I love and then fuck me against the glass, the sun setting on the Manhattan skyline whilst I moan your name over and over"

"Tell them we'll take it" I giggle again and then snuggle my face into his neck

"Thank you baby"

"Just for the record, I know you just played me" his lips are on mine as he sets the iPad down on the coffee table. "How about you show me how thankful you really are?" He asks whilst moving me to the sofa next to him and lowering his zipper

"I'm not hungry, I just ate" I tease

"You aren't up for seconds?"

"That depends, can we get a puppy?"


I almost puke on my tiny girlfriend as the words cross her lips. What is she trying to do to me??? We have been together less than a year and she already has me making sickening declarations of love, moving the width of the country to be with her, moving in with her and now she's talking about a puppy.

"I'm allergic" I manage to stutter out

"That's funny cos suddenly I'm allergic to dick"

This fuckin girl!!!

"Mila, baby..."


"A dog will eat the apartment"

"Get me one and I will eat you"

Oh my fuckin God.

" We can't..."

"You're right" she reaches for my zipper and pulls it up "I can't" my mind rolls backwards and forwards working through the pros and cons of having a puppy

"Mila, baby, I will do anything for you, you know that" I take her hand and pull her to me so she's straddling my waist and she doesn't say anything she just pouts at me and I realise not for the first time that I'm a sucker for that mouth. "But puppies are like babies"

" Can we have one of those too???"

Mother of fuckin God!!!

"Are you trying to kill me right now???"

" okay, okay, no baby" she's smirking so I know the baby comment was made just to scare the shit out of me "But puppy? Pretty, pretty please?"

"No" I shake my head and try to make it convincing as her lips land softly on mine and her hands start lowering my zipper

"Please?" Her mouth is on my neck as my eyelids close and I feel the fire beginning to claim my body

"No" I sound a little bit less resolute this time as she pulls down my pants and I lift my hips to help her out, amazed but not surprised at how ready she has me with just a few kisses and strokes.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" As she moves over me and we make contact I realise she has no panties on under her skirt and just the thought of that has my eyes rolling back as I let my head fall against the couch "Please daddy?" And she sinks down on to me and begins to move slowly, throwing back her head and beginning make the most delicious noises and within seconds im too far gone to deny her anything

" It's your puppy you scoop the shit" I grab her hips and begin to take over, slamming myself  into her and loving the way my entire body comes to life under her touch "He eats anything expensive and he goes. Fuck! you feel so good" for a second I stop moving and just watch this goddess of a woman moving on me. Her eyes closed, her lips parted, her hair beginning to stick to her forehead.

"Cal..." she moans my name and I begin to move with one purpose, I want to watch her cum for me, on me. I want to watch the way her body stills and her cleavage heaves, the way her cheeks go pink and then her entire body vibrates against mine. It's my favourite sight, the moment I know the true beauty of 'making love'. For someone that's had sex as many times as me and with as many different partners I have only ever made love to one woman and it's this woman, the woman I am absolutely, completely out of my mind in love with.

My Mila. Mine!


"Alexa, play 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams" as the music fills my kitchen I take hold of one of my new mugs and smile at how the tiny things bring me so much joy nowadays, coffee in a mug, toast in the morning, snuggling on the sofa with a lousy romcom.

Who am I?

What the fuck happened to Callan Michaels???

Oh that's right I fell in love.

Go fuckin figure.

Adding coffee to the blue mug I shake my head and grin like an idiot at how perfect my life has become and then I begin to wish Mila hadn't left to get dinner she's been gone 15 minutes and I miss her.

God I'm turning into one of those saps from the lousy romcoms

A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts and I shake my head sure that its Mila and she's forgotten something so I walk happily to the entrance and open it, the smile immediately fading from my face as I come as close to shitting my pants as  I have ever come in my life.

"We need to talk" announces Carmen as she walks past me and into my house, turning to watch my reaction as I take her in, her hair is short now, her dress tight and the baby bump her hand is resting on it prominent... very fuckin prominent and I feel everything begin to cave in around me.

                                     The End

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