Mr. I Don't Go Down On Girls, Girls Go Down On Me

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Slamming the door to her apartment, Taylor stumbled to her couch and collapsed down onto it giggling loudly to herself.

She was drunk, way too drunk for this time of night but Joel and his friends drank hard and they partied even harder and at 11pm she had kissed him goodbye and decided to take an Uber home. The chances were he wouldn't be heading home alone and that thought provoked Taylor's drunken brain into action when she knew she should remain still. She didn't want to appear desperate when things between them were so new but she also didn't want Joel waking up next to anybody else.

Pulling out her phone she was just scrolling through to Joel's contact when an unknown number came up on her phone, in her drunken daze she thought maybe it was Joel calling from a friend's phone so she answered it, a wide smile on her face as she pushed her blond hair from her forehead and waited for his sweet voice

"Hello?" she hoped her voice sounded seductive rather than drunk

"Well hello there mi cariño" Taylor stuttered out an incoherent sound. That voice didn't belong on the end of her phone. That voice didn't belong anywhere near her at all.

"What... What do you want?"

"I'm at your door Taylor, won't you let me come in?"

"Fuck you!" she managed to spit out

"Not by the hair on your chinny, chin chin? Well you know what that means"

"I said fuck. You!"

"I'm going to huff, and I'm going to puff and I'm going to blow your house down" and with a click and a gentle push the door flew wide open and there he stood looking down at the drunk blond sprawled on her couch "Don't you know your supposed to lock your door to keep out the big bad wolf?"

"I want you out of here" she pushed herself into a sitting position" and he quickly walked to stand in front of her and then lowered his head to hers

"I have played nice up until this point" he seethed "But that ends tonight. You will do as I say and if you don't then your disgusting little pauper life will be brought crashing down around your ears. Do you understand what what I'm saying"

"Get out of my..." a choke was all that escaped her throat as robust fingers wrapped around her neck

"Do. You. Understand?!"

"Yes" she gasped "Yes!"


"Oh my God Taylor where have you been?!" I Ask as I stop wrapping pieces of material around my mannequin and run to my roommates side "I have so much to tell you" Taylor huffs and drops down on to the couch resting her head in her hands

"Here, let me get you a coffee and then I have so much to tell you, you won't even believe it"

"Painkillers" Taylor rasps, never lifting her head and I nod whilst rummaging in the first aid box for painkillers and then filling a glass with water before dropping down next to my friend

"OK, so Callan and I went to my dad's for dinner and the place was packed with doctor this and doctor that... Take the pill, the story will be so much funnier without a headache"

"The story would be funnier without your dad to be honest with you"

"No honestly Taylor this story Is way funnier with him in it, so we were at dinner, all the doctors were there, it was like some intervention, to get me to come over from the dark side and see the light anyhoo, Callan was particularly horny at dinner so we made out in front of everyone and then Mr. I Dont Go Down On Girls, Girls Go Down On Me, went down on this girl in her Daddys office and oh my God Taylor he was so good and I made sure everyone at dinner got an ear full of what was... Okay what's wrong? "

" Nothing"

"Then why do I feel as though I'm telling this story to myself ?"

"Sorry Mila it's just... It's just not that funny, I mean your dad cares about you, he wants what's best for you and maybe that is medical school" My eyebrows almost shoot through my hairline as I watch my friend as though she was growing a second head right before my eyes

"Are you serious right now?!" Taylor simply nods and sips at her water

"I know I encouraged you not to go"

"No, you encouraged me to follow my dreams, there's a big difference"

"Well I was wrong. Life is too short to chase around after anyone or anything. Grab what's given to you and run with it, your dad's giving you an amazing start in life Mila, fuck Callan in his office just to stick it to him just... Take what he's offering, don't struggle like I struggle"

With that Taylor gulps down the rest of her water and then wipes her brow

"I um... I think we should give up this apartment too, some friends of mine are getting a shared house and I want to go live there, it's more space for my supplies"

"More space hu? Let me guess, just not enough space for me"

"You have a home Mila"

"Yeah I do, and I'm staying here, with or without you" I stand up, ripping the fabric from my mannequin and turning my back on the blond "Thanks for ruining my good fuckin mood Tay, thanks a lot!" and I stomp to my bedroom, slamming the door loudly behind me

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