Erectile Disfunction

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"So fighting in a crowded club Mr. Michaels, that's a new one for you...fuck, I bet you're hot when you are angry though"

"Frankie It's me, I'm hot even when I taking a shit" I take a gulp of my wine and then fake a smile I hope she thinks is a come on... It's not, this entire thing was a mistake but I have a reputation to protect and this girl protects me in the press and all I have to do is have sex with her, pretty awesome deal...usually. Not today.

"I can't wait for dinner to be over, all this dirty talk is getting me hot"

"Frankie, let's be clear, the story..."

"What story?"

And so it is we ended up in a hotel, me lying on the bed with a very beautiful, very well endowed blond moving up and down on me, squealing and groaning as though I'm the best lover the world has ever seen and in normal circumstances perhaps that wouldn't be too far from the truth, the noises would be warrented at least but today unfortunately they are not, because I'm not even here.

My body is and it's reacting because I'm a guy and she's hot and she's on my dick but my mind is elsewhere and I'm getting more and more pissed off about that as the time goes on.


Slamming my hand down as hard as possible onto the door I relish the sting and then wait for the hell I know is about to break loose and I can't help but grin at the thought.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I don't even answer her I just push my way into the apartment and slam the door shut behind me

"You have ruined my life do you know that?!" just the sight of her has me wrapped up tightly in an anger I haven't felt the likes of before and I have to close my eyes and tuck my hands into my pockets before I grab her and either strangle her or fuck her

" Good"

Mother Fucker!

I have to strangle her, I have to do it, she's gonna be the death of me so I have to get to her first, it would be in the spirit of self defence any good judge would understand.

"Fuck I hate you" I spit, repeating the words she'd said to me multiple times before

"What have I done this time? Do tell, I'm all alone on a Monday night after a particularly shit weekend all thanks to a certain prick not too far from here that goes around with his head shoved completely up his own ass, ruining my chance of getting laid"

"Do not even get me started on shit weekends or shit Monday nights because believe me, yours won't even come close to mine"

"Oh, so that's why you came over here and are now trespassing in my apartment, you want to play a game of who's life is worse well considering your ego got in the way of me going home with a particularly delicious... "

I clench my teeth together as she attempts to provoke me by making Tom out to be a major catch. He's OK, he's a nice guy, but the best thing he has going for him is the fact he's friends with me... Was friends with me, a couple of dances at the strip club Friday on my tab, and he will have forgotten all about our little 'bust up'.

"You weren't interested in Tom"

"Yes I was"

"No you weren't, you were trying to get at me, trying to piss me off"

"I couldn't care less about you, I mean I'm not saying our time together was bad but I really don't think it lived up to all the promises you made"

This girl is about to make me lose my mind, I'm officially about to combust with pure fury. My face feels red, my fingers are tingling and my dick... Oh you little shit! Now you're interested

I don't know why this is my reaction but I'm suddenly all consumed by proving her wrong. Reaching out I grab the back of her head and pull her to me as she gasps at the sudden contact.

My lips hover just above hers, touching briefly as we breath in and out heavily. Running my tongue over my dry lips I'm surprised to find we are so close it brushes hers too.

"An hour ago I was buried in some buxom blond" she tries to pull away but I hold her in place, my other hand wrapping around her waist, cutting off any plan she has of escape before I can finish what I have to say. 

"She was gorgeous, sexy, saying all the right things and doing even better things and do you know what happened?" she gulps nervously as she shakes her head against my hand "I lost my hard on, the most magnificent creature moving up and down on me..." she bites down on her lip and I realise my words are turning her on "Fucking me like her life depended on it" I purposely let my lips brush hers before pulling away ever so slightly "Moaning and groaning"

"Callan..." I drop my hand from her hair to her collar bone and I'm relieved when she doesn't pull away. With one finger I run the expanse of the bone before letting it trickle down her chest

"And do you know why I couldn't keep going?" I slip my hand in between the buttons of her shirt massaging the soft valley between her breasts and loving the way she tries to resist rubbing her centre against mine "Why I couldn't keep it up?" using my thumb I pop the button open and catch the first sight of her braless breasts and the way my groin lights on fire relieves any worries I had about my 'ability to perform'

"Why?" she whispers the question as her hands push into the back pockets of my black trouser pants and pulls my solidness into her. She knows the answer but she wants me to humour her, and knowing the reward she gives to me when I please her I'm willing to do anything she wants.

"Because all I could think about was you" my hand slips into her shirt and cups her breast "how soft your skin is, how you smell like the sweetest vanilla" I massage and nip at her nipple as she writhes against my dick "How it feels when your lips are wrapped around me, when your tongue is in my mouth, when my tongue is in your..."

"Callan!" She blushes and it's about the cutest damn thing I have ever seen. Removing my hand I drop them down to the zipper of her jean shorts and then make eye contact "That's too much sexual frustration for a man to handle Mila"

"Then let me handle it for you" and as she says it her hand moves over me, palming and massaging and I know I am officially done for

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