Does He Do Anything Lowkey?

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"Where's Callan?" asks Taylor as she walks in the front door of the apartment and looks at me all sprawled out on the sofa, a bowl of cereal in one hand, a fashion magazine in the other with not one tall Canadian in sight

"He didn't come in last night"

"Are you kidding me?! You guys were so into each other last night I thought you were going to start fucking in the restaurant and he didn't even come in?! What is that man child's problem?" she takes off her jacket and sits on the sofa in the clothes from the night before, her ruffled hair giving a hint to her early morning activities

" Taylor he's trying to be a gentleman, he's trying to be the guy you date not just the guy you fuck so be nice okay?" the protective fire my belly shocks me slightly but she I swallow it down as Taylor's face turns red

"How many times did he text asking if he could change his mind?"

"A lot!" We both giggle as my mind drifts to thought of Cal sat alone at home wondering what the hell he had done by saying no, questioning who the hell he had become

"I bet he spent all night with his dick in his hand stalking your Instagram" She laughs I know it's probably true

"Listen Taylor... I know things have been messy between us recently but I'm really greatful for what you did for me yesterday"

Taylor bites back a smile "Well it was selfish really, I was tired of the moping and Joe wanted to keep his job so there was really only one solution"

"I mean it though, things might not be back to how they were, maybe they never will be but thankyou"

The sound of My phone beeping breaks through the emotion of the conversation and I'm thankful to whoever is texting


"Yeah" I laugh "He's wondering how many dates we have to go on before he doesn't have to be quite so 'gentlemanly'"

"Tell him 5 with no physical contact at all then another 5 with only chaste kisses then another 5 and you can make out and another 5 you might let him touch your butt"

"Oh my God can you imagine??? He would die, or spontaneously combust or run screaming into another women's arms"

"Na, there are no other women for Callan at the minute, all he can see is you"

"Do you really think that?" Taylor just nods" I really like him, is that bad?

" No"

"He's going to break my heart isn't he?"

"Probably, are you okay with that?"

"I don't know, but I don't think I can walk away at this point"

"That's what I thought" before I get the chance to think about things too deeply there is a knock on the front door of the apartment. Sighing, I push myself from the seat and walk to the door, pulling it open Im stunned to find that there is no one there, instead the entire corridor leading up to my apartment is filled with flower arrangements of all different sizes and colours.

Boxes filled with roses, baskets of lillies, beautiful bouquets of tulips and a multitude of other blooms

"Oh my fucking God!! Taylor come and look at this!!" yawning heavily, Taylor stands up and follows me to the door

"Does he do anything low key?"

"No he does not" Came a masculine voice from the end of the corridor.

Making my way through the flower arrangements I stop when I come face to face with a very 'pleased with himself' looking Callan, standing surrounded by flowers with a box of chocolates in his hands

"What is all this?"

"Well I don't really do 'patience' very well, I wasn't sure how much 'gentlemanly' stuff I could do without the 'nakedness' so I thought I'd get all the gentlemanly stuff over with in one go, I figure there's enough flowers here to cover us for 10 chaste dates or so, right? "

" At least"

"And I thought after 10 dates of no nakedness even the most gentlemanly of gentlemen would have earned himself a naked reward"

"Your way of thinking is messed up, do you know that?"

"Chocolate madam?" gently he takes a chocolate from the box and drops it into my mouth "Only one though because I'm going to eat the rest of them from your body just as soon as you let me into that goddamn apartment and let me rip your clothes off cos two months without touching you is just about to make me lose my mind"

"Well you know, I should really put these flowers in water first, there's a few of them so it might take some time"

"Fuck them"

"Before or after you?"

"Baby you know me better than that, I don't come second to anyone or anything" handing me the box of chocolates he reaches down and lifts me to his waist
"Well actually, ask me nicely and I might cum second to you" he winks and then smiles as he rests his forehead against mine "Did I tell you that I missed you?"

"You did" I say whilst kissing the tip of his nose "Now how about you come inside and show me"

"I can definitely do that" he growls whilst snatching up my lips with his. His mouth hungrily licking and nibbling and massaging 2 months worth of missed kisses in to my own

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