Have You Fucked Her To Death?

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"Have you actually succeeded in fucking her to death and now you're just hanging around here so I don't discover the body?"

Taylor's stands in the middle of the living room painting some weird orange 'splodge' onto a canvas, she looks at me as though she thinks I may actually have killed her roommate and 'death by sex' sounds like the perfect way to go if you ask me, especially if it's at the hands of Mila Morello

" I'm still trying" I tell her with a wink and then head to the kitchen to get Mila some water

"You know, you will have to let her out of there eventually" I turn and find Taylor has followed me, obviously our little tooing and froing isn't over yet.

Taking a bottle of water from the fridge I turn to face her and grin when I see her eyes drop to my naked chest and then go further south, over the Calvin Klein briefs that are my only clothing.

"And why will I have to let her out of there eventually Taylor? Bare in mind my eyes are up here, not in my Calvin Kleins" she reddens as she realises she's been caught and I can't help but smirk at that fact

"Because she needs to eat"

"Trust me, she's eaten plenty" I smile thinking about the numerous times Mila had 'consumed' me over the last few days. The flower prank worked, and I haven't been out of her bedroom since, apart from the odd food and water break that is oh and to piss.

"You're disgusting do you know that?"

"I try my best" I almost skip past her, pleased with my performance, she tries her hardest to beat me during our little back and forths but she rarely succeeds, a fact that's beginning to piss her off as once again she follows me, unable to let it go.

"So what is this 'boyfriend' duties?" I stop dead in my tracks at the 'b' word

"Excuse me, what?"

"Well you are dating her, you are running around after her... " she motions to the water in my hand

"So what?"

"So I guess that makes you her boyfriend then"

"We don't feel the need to label it Taylor, we aren't children"

"Oh so she could date other guys then, you would be okay with that?"

The fuck I would! No one is getting their hands on that girl except me!

"We aren't dating around right now so no, she couldn't"

And if she did there would be death and destruction to follow

"So she's your girlfriend"

"We aren't labeling it, we are not children"

She is beginning to annoy me, which is great news for Mila cos I fuck great when I'm pissed off but it's very bad news for Taylor because I'm not known to control my tongue very well when I'm annoyed.

"You're going to hurt her aren't you?"

"No actually, I think I will leave that to you, seeing as how you do such a great job of it. Seen much of Raul recently?"

"You bastard!" That wiped the smug look off her face but for some reason it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would. Maybe it's because I still remember Mila's tears at Taylor's betrayal, I still remember holding her in my arms as she broke down under the weight of the revelation.

"Don't provoke me Taylor, you won't like what I become when you do that" narrowing my eyes I start to walk away but this girl just wont stop

"You won't be enough for her, you're all ego and bravado but underneath that there's nothing. Mila needs a man with substance, one of these days she'll get bored of you, and you will be gone and guess who will still be here? Me!" She smiles what I'm sure she thinks is a sweet smile but instead it just lit me on fire and two steps is all it takes before I am stood chest to chest with her

" If you do anything to mess with my relationship with Mila you will think what happened with the Raul situation was a sunny day for you. I'm not joking with you Taylor, I will bring a hell like you have never known. Now keep away from me and keep away from my girlfriend. Got it?"

I stalk back to Milas room making sure to lock the door, incase Taylor decides to follow me again

"Your room mate is a nut job" I pass the water to Mila and don't give her time to answer before I hook her behind the knees and pull her to the edge on the bed. Pushing open her thighs as she opens the water bottle and begins drinking. She has the sexiest throat I have ever seen in my life and I'm gonna have my mouth on it and my hands around it just as soon as I've eaten

"What did she say this time?"  the final word is dragged out as my mouth connects with her clit and I begin licking like a little pussy cat, pardon the pun.

As she let's out moan after moan of pleasure I wonder why I never did this with a girl before but then I realise that I never cared if the girl felt pleasure before with Mila, it's all I ever want her to feel

"Well? What did she say?" I lift my head from between her thighs briefly

"Sorry, can't talk right now, my mouth's full" I hear her laugh softly as I return to my meal, licking and nipping and pulling and releasing over and over, never giving up until her hands find my hair, holding my mouth to her as she let's out the kind of moan that could make a guy cum on the spot.

Fuck I'm getting good at that

But that moan just set a fire in my groin so I don't allow her time to recover I just pull her closer to the edge of the bed, turn her over so I have the perfect view of her perfect ass and then get to work. Massaging her ass as I move in and out at a frantic pace and then I tangle a hand in her hair and pull her roughly against me

"Fuck, I love it when you're rough" she teases, her voice light but heavy with want, her words broken as I pull her into me and then release her and then jerk her back against me once more

"Say it again"

"I love it when you're rough"

"Say my name"

"Callan.." she draws my name out, sucking it through her teeth and making everything south of my navel clench


"Fuck me harder Cal, I want it hard"

Yup, that'll do it

My head goes light and sparks of thousands of different colours fill my mind. My body jerks and shakes as I cum like only Mila can make me cum.

"Girlfriend" I gasp out as I collapse down on to her, our centres remaining connected "I uh... I called you my girlfriend, to Taylor"

"And then you had to come and fuck that word right out of your mouth, yeah?"

"No, actually I had to come and fuck my girlfriend because she's the hottest women I have ever seen in my life and I can't look at her without getting turned on" and as if on cue I feel myself begin to harden again and I want to shout hallelujah to the God of Dicks for giving me such an eager one.

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