There's No Guarantee Either Of Us Would Be Alive By Morning

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Pulling up to Callans house I can tell he's panicking. All those weeks ago when we first met he wanted a no strings attached trophy to show off, something he could pay for and then walk away from and now here he is, caught up in my emotional crisis and driving me back to his place, somewhere I'm sure he never intended me to see.

It's beautiful, and big! It's obviously been built recently as it's modern in design, all clean lines and glass, two sports cars are parked in his driveway and if Callans soul was a place, then this is it

He looks over to me as though he wants to say something but his mouth opens and then closes and his gaze returns to the steering wheel

"You can just take me home you know" I panic at the thought of coming face to face with Taylor so soon but he deserves an out. He didn't sign up for this and I'm aware of that

"I can't keep an eye on that temper of yours if you are at home" his words are gentle and free of the crass humour I associate with him and it makes my chest ache

"I'm sorry you got caught up in all of this, I'm sure you would much rather be naked at this point, rather than babysitting an emotional basket case"

"Yeah well naked is always  my preferred position but actually, this isn't as terrible as I thought it might be" he brings my car to a stop and then exits, I expect him to head straight to the house but instead he appears at my side and opens the door

What the fuck has gotten into this guy???

"Are you okay being here?" he asks and I suddenly feel so cared for as he takes my hand in his and helps me out of the car that I feel a sob building in my chest. I nod my answer and we make our way up the driveway hand in hand, pausing briefly as he places his finger against the access pad and then pushing the door open we step inside Callans home.

Callans home... Im here, standing in the entrance to it and seeing him in every design aspect.

The cold, hard surfaces, the showey extras, the lack of the personal touch. It's a man's space but more than that it's an alpha males space, no feminine touches, no warmth or softness at any point.

"Can I get you a drink? Scotch is pretty good for shock" alcohol is the last thing I need but it's the one thing I want so I nod yes and he heads towards the overly clean kitchen and then exits the door. Outside I spot the pool area and next to it a self contained bar, Cal busies himself behind the shiny wooden surface and then reappears with two glasses of scotch on the rocks

"Want to sit?" he motions towards the sun loungers and again I nod without speaking. I sit on the edge of the lounger and he sits on the one next to it, his eyes never leave mine, like he's trying to check if I'm really okay without having to ask. His ego preventing him from appearing overly concerned

"Well tonight was quite the show" he's trying to pretend this is all fun and games but the look on his face tells me he thinks it's anything but

"Your home is beautiful" I tell him and he blushes. God I love when he blushes like that

"Your dad and Taylor..." typical Cal, no treading gently just blunt and to the point and I have to admit that was something I was really beginning to appreciate about him

"It makes you want to puke right?"

"It does but that's your family, it's your best friend. Are you okay?" his hand strokes my thigh and although I know he doesn't mean it as a come on it immediately turns me on

"Do you know what would make me feel OK?" I drain my glass and then place it onto the ground

"Whats that?" he asks it whilst finishing his own drink so I know he knows what's coming next

"If I lay on this lounger and close my eyes and you just do anything and everything you want to me" he let's out a half laugh

"If I did that there's no guarantee either of us would be alive by morning"

"Cal..." I look him straight in the eye and then raise a hand to stroke the smooth contours of his face "I know girl drama and family drama and all this other shit is not what you wanted from me and I'm so sorry you ended up in the middle of it"

He reaches up and places his hand over mine and squeezes gently

"I hate all of this shit, but somehow when's it's your shit it's not so bad" he winks and then looks embarrassed for a second "So this  anything and everything... Can I start now?" he wiggles his eyebrows and I can't imagine anything making me feel okay right now other than his body

"Well that depends..."


"Where you want to start"

He closes his eyes and throws his  head back, his chocolate curls bouncing around his neck

"Well I thought I might start here" he says placing a soft kiss on my lips "And then move to here..." his lips massage kisses into the soft spot of my neck, just below my ear and I shudder at his touch "then I thought you might like it if I did this..." he trails his tongue from my jaw to my collar bone, pausing to nibble along the hard line of the bone "Am I off to a good start?" his voice is low and warm against my ear and I can only nod, knowing this man has completely disarmed me.

"And I have been thinking about this..." he pulls my t-shirt free of one shoulder and bites down hard on the skin whilst his hand lands on my knee and begins massaging "Do you like that?"

"Yes" I gasp, immediately ashamed of how desperate I sound

Pulling my t-shirt as low down as he can he dips his hand in to the neck line and eases my breast free of the material

"Have I ever told you how thankful I am that you don't wear bras? I'm just about to answer when his mouth lands on my breast, his wet, hot tongue swirling over and around my nipple whilst the hand that was on my knee moves its way up my inner thigh with the patience of a Saint.

"Do you think I could make you cum just by fucking your boob with my mouth?" he asks as his teeth clamp down roughly on my nipple"

"I don't know, why don't you try and if you succeed maybe I will reward you by letting that guy bursting to get out of you trousers meet my ass" I thrust my hands into his hair and pull his face harshly to my chest. After all of the drama tonight I need a distraction, a warm body and a gentle voice. He may return to the ego manic I know in the morning but for now he's the Callan that likes spending time with me, the Callan that seems obsessed with my body, the Callan that can't get enough of me and that's what I need, he's who I need and as I prepare for my final showdown with Taylor, he's all I need

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