Chapter Six

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Mikasa's POV

Me and Eren are returning home today, but first we are to visit our old comrades; we haven't seen them in quite a few months.
It feels like a long time, as we had gotten used to seeing them everyday of the week.

"Armin, do you know where everyone will most likely be?" I ask, putting on my coat.
"To be honest, I'm not too sure." Armin responds. "Are you going to visit them?"
I nod.
"I want to hand out some invitations and greet them. I spent a good few hours designing them with Eren, whilst we were arranging some things." I say.
"It's been a while, since I last saw them."
I open the door.
"Tell Eren that I'll be in town, when he wakes up."
Armin nods in return.
"Okay, bye."

* * *

I go to the Survey Corp HQ, where I hope some will be.
I, in particular, probably wouldn't invite certain people, but Eren insisted and so I agreed. It's only a wedding, after all.
I see somebody nearby, they have a familiar face.
"Excuse me, do you know where Hanji Zoë is, or-"
I stop when I almost say, 'Levi'.
I don't know why, but it seems odd for me to ask this of him; but he's possibly my relative, so I guess it's good for him to come?
We are not even close, not even 'friends'.
I honestly believe that I would neglect inviting him, if it wasn't for Eren.

"Or Levi Ackerman?" I finish my sentence, finally.
"No, I'm sorry. They might be inside, you should check there."
"Thank you." I say, doing as he recommended.

I step in and search for Levi and Hanji.
I don't know where either of them usually are, the majority of the time.
I don't ever find myself looking for any of them, I never have.
I see someone else; I don't particularly like asking for directions from strangers.
"Sir, excuse me. I'm looking for Hanji Zoë and Levi Ackerman, do you know where they could be?"
I ask.
"Hanji should be in her office, but I don't know about Levi." The man tells me.
"Thank you for your help." I conclude.

As I walk down the corridor, the only sound that travels through it, is my footsteps.
Hanji's office should be nearby, yes,here it is.
I sigh, and then knock two soft knocks on the door.
That's definitely Hanji's voice.
"May I enter?" I ask.
I twist the door knob and let myself in.
"Hello, Miss Hanji." I say, formally.
"Oh, hello, Mikasa. You went to see the outside world, yes?!"
She asks, quite joyfully.
"I did. It's quite different to what any of us could imagine." I tell Hanji.
"Please, tell me all about it!"
"There's no need, actually. You're going to see it for yourself, that is if you wish to come to mine and-"
I swallow. I begin to feel nervous, and I feel my cheeks glow rubescent.
I'm about to cover my blush with my scarf, but stop myself.
There's nothing wrong with what I'm about to say.
"Me and Eren..." I say.
Hanji looks confused, and performs a gesture as if to say, 'Continue.'
"We are, uhm...
To be married, and we'd like it if you would come to our wedding ceremony."
I say, feeling nervous all the way through.
This is going to be harder than I thought.
The hard part is breaking it to them that we are indeed getting married, because we just went off months ago and returned engaged; it can be known as a, 'mind-blow.'
Hanji smiles.
"As I predicted." She says.
"It's what I predicted to happen, and I was correct, of course." She adds, resting the back of her head on the palms of her hand.
"So, you thought this was to-?" I stop, as I don't need to continue.
This time, I do pull my scarf up.
"There's no need to get nervous, Mikasa.
It's just life. Also, I'm happy for you." Hanji tells.
"Sure, I'll come."

I smile softly. "Thank you, Hanji. Here's your invitation." I say, handing hers to her.
"Could you possibly give Levi's to him?" I ask.
"Is this an excuse to not talk to him?" Hanji asks.
"Well, it's just that he may be busy." I say.
What I said wasn't true; Hanji is right, I don't want to talk to him.
She looks unconvinced.
"You should just ask him yourself, I'll show you where his is." She tells me, getting up and escorting me out.
As we walk, she speaks.
"I know how you have a difficult relationship with Levi, due to family issues, ecetera, but maybe it's the time to try and make it better."
Hanji says. "He's your relative."
I begin to agree with her.
"I guess you're right." I say.
"If you don't mind me asking, who are you to Levi?" Hanji asks.
"We didn't really talk about our relation, because we rarely spoke to each other at all, and the only time we did was when he gave me an order, or was discussing something important, when the Titans were around.
We never have had a casual conversation." I inform Hanji.
Hanji nods slowly as I explain.
"I see. Well, maybe you should soon. Don't get me wrong, it's only a suggestion. I can't tell you what to do anymore."

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