Chapter Ten

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Eren's POV

Am I hearing this right? Am I hearing at all? Am I dead and I am just seeing weird images of the afterlife? Is that it?
My heart beats, lungs breathe, so I am alive. This woman is in front of me, and she told me that she was my sister: Liesel.

I shake my head and manage to stand up slowly, not taking my eyes off of her. She has the same dark hair, the same green eyes. Even more complex features like our nose and brows are alike mine: too alike.
"You're my sister?" I ask, my voice weak like a child's. With her finger, she wipes the tear that was along the rim of her waterline. She sniffles and then wipes her nose, then inhaling dramatically.
"I am your sister." She says, looking me straight in the eyes, all seriousness in her facial expression.
"So-" I begin, but then realise that I have nothing to say.
"Eren, I know you must be confused and dazed, and I'm sorry that I attacked you. This is all so complicated, but we can't talk now, not here. Let's go somewhere else." She says, her tongue rolling at a fast pace, urgently.
"You shot my horse." I say.
"I have a horse, now come on." Liesel grabs my wrist and drags me along with her, I pull my wrist back and stop walking behind her. "You expect me to just leave with you?" She shakes her head quickly, and grabs my wrist again. She hurts me as my wrists are still raw from the rope rubbing against me.
"If I really wanted to kill you, I would've." She tells me.
With a moment of hesitation, I go along with her. I might as well see what she has to say.

* * *

The journey to God-knows-where was complete silence. I didn't speak with her, as I spent the majority of the journey thinking what the heck is going on.
This is all too crazy. I have a sister? A sister that I've never heard about at all?
Was she secretly adopted or something? No, she wouldn't have my features.

Liesel dismounts her horse and I follow behind her, monitoring her every moment: of how she walks and how she alternates between her shoulders.

I still don't see why we couldn't have just spoken where we were.

The forest is enormous. I've not been here before. It's quite beautiful and peaceful and I hear a waterfall nearby.
In our view is a massive cave, and neighbouring the cave is a bunch of camping supplies: a bed roll, pelts, knives and a fire pit. The waterfall is masked behind the trees a bit, but I can still see the rafts.
This is a very beautiful place; I'd like to take Mikasa here.

She sits near the fire, and I just stand and look down to her. "Sit, please." Liesel says, her eyes moving away from my own out of nervousness.
I slowly make my way to her and sit directly across from her so there's a safe distance between us and we can face each other.
I continue to be shocked by the eyes she has, the ones that look too much alike mine.

"Let me explain, from the beginning." She begins, "First of all, I am your identical twin."
The word shocks me, but also on of my answers my questions. It explains our shared face.
"Please don't ask questions yet, just let me explain everything to you."
I sigh and nod for her to continue.
"When we were born, it was during the time of the plague within the walls, and so there was a limit to the amount of children that could be had to reduce risk of spreading. This was before our- Doctor Jaeger, found the cure.
So, as Mom had twins, one had to be taken away in order for my survival. You know how the people in the walls are, forever panicking and will do anything to rid them of their fears. They probably would've killed me." She says, "Furthermore, our parents had me sent to the underground city, where nobody would even bother to find me. That's where I was raised the entirety of my childhood and had my name surname changed to protect my identity."
So, I was the lucky one who just got to stay up in the surface, because why? I could've lived with my sister, I could've known that not all my family was dead for all these years.
Why did mom and dad never tell me?
I start to feel angry, but then accept the reasons why she was sent underground.
If she wasn't sent, she'd be dead and could've been eaten by a Titan. It was for the best.

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