Chapter Nine

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Eren's POV

Waves of bitter cold rush through me. Down my spine it goes, then to my legs.
I can't see properly, my vision is blurry: unclear.
The last thing I remember is the horse being shot on the way to Wall Maria, someone was there; ready to kill me, but I am not dead. At least I don't think I am.
I blink twice, then twice more. My vision clears and I- I'm upside down.
I gasp as soon as I realise, and find myself swaying frantically; the ropes burn my wrists.
I look up to see that I've been tied to a branch of a tree, and left for dead or what? No one is in my sights, but that doesn't mean that no one is here with me, perhaps watching me.
Is there any way I can escape? I can't stay up here swinging helplessly.
I try to wiggle my way out, or at least release my arms and wrists. As I move around, my raw wrists sting, and the skin wears away. I just need to turn into a Titan, and then I can get out of here, I just need to free at least one of my hands.
I pull my arm back and try to pull my arm out of the rope, but I'm stuck, my arm barely moves.
Frustration builds up within me, heats up my body and blood rushes to my head. I need to get out of here, quickly.
I grunt as I pull my arm back again, and there's barely any movement.
I stop abruptly, and find myself swaying about again.
Damn it.

Sweat beads grow around the rim of my scalp and the base of my forehead. I'll rest a while before trying again, it'll also give me time to think.
How I wish I had Annie's shifting ring on me.

As I slowly sway, I feel an ant crawl across my finger. My first reaction is to bat it off, and that's when I realise that my hand is free. How can I use this to my advantage?
I look around again, and I see a smaller branch just behind the one I'm underneath. Maybe I can sort of grab on to it.

I rock back and forth, back and forth, as hard as I can, hoping that I'll swing far enough to be able to grab the branch, and pull myself up.
I swing harder and harder again and the breeze flies into my face. I think I can do it.
As I swing once more, I feel a sharp thing skim my cheek, and that causes me to stop.
There's somebody here.

I stay still, but rock still. I feel my heart in my ears, and I have the feeling of passing out again. I wish not, so I squeeze my head and breathe heavier.

It's silent momentarily: too quiet for too long.

As I go to rock again, a loud something hits my branch and makes me jump.
It's a person!
I look up, and I see a figure; barely a face.
I squint at the figure, and the light hits its eyes, they're familiar: they're mine.

Mikasa's POV
"Miranda, thank you so much for helping me today. It's appreciated." I say, folding my arms as I try to keep them warm.
"It's not a problem, I'm just glad I was here to help." She replies to me.
I then remembered that she had a baby, and she had not been caring for him today.
"Your child, is he with his father or something? I noticed he wasn't with you today." I ask, looking to her.
"Oh, Zeph. Yeah, he's with his father, unfortunately." She says, and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why is that so?" I ask.
"Me and him, we are no longer together, and his father takes care of him when I'm busy. A terrible arrangement, as I am his mother and it should be my job to do that." Her voice becoming more angered. "I understand. But-" I start, but realise that I should mind my own business. "Go on." Miranda says.
"Why is it such a problem?"
She sighs,
"It was a mistake to be with him: Jonah. I thought it was for love, but he only used me of course. But, he never admits it. When we married, we signed a contract to say that we both had to care for our child, despite the circumstance. The laws in this village stink; I should never have signed."
I exhale quietly. "I'm sorry about that."
Miranda shakes her head. "No, don't be. Just make sure you know what you're getting into. You don't want to turn out like me: a divorced woman living in cold village when the beach isn't even a mile away. Don't pick the cold area, don't pick the wrong man. Make sure you can trust him with your heart, because if you give it to him and can't be trusted, he'll just squeeze it."
I pull my scarlet scarf up; I think of Eren.
"I can trust him with my heart." I say, "my soul."
Miranda turns to me. "Oh, Eren?"
I nod slowly. "It's funny because he mentioned children earlier today. That's how I cut my finger." I say, raising my hand, revealing the plaster wrapped over it.
"You're not ready, huh?" Miranda says. I shake my head slowly. "I'm only just bringing my life together now, I'm not ready to take care of children of my own."
I see Miranda smile, "that's alright. Just make sure you tell him that you're not. Again, you wouldn't want to be like me now."
"But, I can trust him with my life." I say.
"Yes, I know you do. I would to.
Even though I have only known you two for a while now, I can feel the energy you share with each other. He has given you his heart, and you too. I know."
She says.
I smile behind my scarf. She knows.

The tavern is inbound, and I can't wait to get inside and warm my pained fingers. "This was nice, Mikasa." Miranda tells me.
"I agree. Thank you for all your help."

The sun is down, the moon is up. I feel tired to go back home, but I can't leave Eren at home by himself, and Miranda interrupts my thoughts, "how would you like to stay?" She asks.
"I would, but Eren is at home still. He would be worried about me."
She smiles, "well it is late, so I'll take you home."
"No, you don't need to at all. I can make my own way, thank you."
"Mikasa Ackerman. Hush, let me do my job."
"Your job?"
"My job as your friend."

Eren's POV

My head pangs and the world around me sways this time. I sit up, as the ropes unravel around me at last.
He let me go, but why? To torture and abuse me?
I can't focus now though, my head is still spiralling.

I see him drop down from the high branch and hover above me like a tower. "Please, don't-" I start. He's going to finish me off.
I can't see his face, and I close my eyes awaiting the worst.
Mikasa, I-
"Eren Jaeger?" I hear a feminine voice: it's not a man.
I open my eyes to the figure and lowers her hood to reveal my eyes again. Why are my eyes in her face?
"Are you Eren Jaeger?" She asks again.
"Yes." I mumble, processing whatever the hell is happening right now. The girl's body loosens and she covers her lips with her fingers, tears forming in her eyes. I am so confused.
"I am-" she begins, "I am Liesel. Liesel Jaeger."
My heart jumped at, 'Jaeger.' She's a Jaeger? How?
"Who are you?" I mutter slowly, my voice shaking.

"I'm your sister."

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