Chapter Sixteen

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Mikasa's POV

"Mikasa?" is said before I snap out of my trance. "Hm?"'
"Were you even listening?" Eren asks me. I look down and shake my head. "No, sorry."

It's a beautiful day, so we decided to take a stroll outside. The last few days haven't seemed as eventful as they usually are, and to be honest, that's all right. This is a normal life, this is what I've wanted.

"I was saying, that I was planning to go back to the Wall this week. There's a few things I need to do, but I want you to come with me. Would you like to? Don't worry, this will be the last time now." He tells me a second time.
I respond after a meaningless silence. "Yes, yes, of course. There's something I need to do too."

I stare at my feet as I take every step, and then look to Eren's feet. He takes longer strides, whilst I take shorter ones. He has grown taller than me since we were younger, as we used to be the same height.
I come up to his shoulders now, but considering we were head-to-head only three years ago, it really shows how much he has grown, and how much I haven't. I don't mind it though, I actually like it.
This way, his embraces seem more wholesome and I like it when he looks just a bit lower when he talks to me, and leans down to kiss my forehead.

As I walk alongside him, I unnoticeably tilt towards him and lay my head on his shoulder. Doing this, I try to synchronise myself with his pace.
I close my eyes, and listen to the slow winds blow into the leaves of the trees.
I don't think I've ever felt so tranquil.

"Mikasa," he says, "I want to marry you... So badly."
I open my eyes at his words, and then feel a supportive arm grow across my side as he pushes me a little closer towards him.
"Three months just seems way too long to wait." I tell him, wrapping my arm around his side, our pace slowing down.
"I feel the same way," he says, "that's too far away."
"Hm..." I mumble quietly. "Can we go to the Wall today?" I question, raising my head.
Eren thinks for a moment, and then responds with, "I don't see why not. But, what about Liesel, Armin?"
"Armin is leaving today, anyway, remember? And Liesel, she can just tag along, right?" I seek his approval.
"Well, she does have her own horse so, I don't see why not."
I smile, and rest my head back on to his shoulder.
We walk along the forest's brim slowly again, and I see the sun glow through the trees; it's spectacular.
I end up losing myself in all this mesmerising atmosphere, and feel as if I'm going to fall asleep.
"Let's go back home, so we can get ready." Eren advises.
"Please... Let's just stay out... A little longer." I beg, not wanting to leave my peaceful state. Eren stops walking and I open my eyes to see why, and he is looking around as if appreciating the atmosphere.
I smile, and then close my eyes once more.
"Sure, we can stay."

* * *

"It's so cold out," Liesel states. I pull my coat over my shoulders and let out a sigh.
She was right, it is cold. It's strange, as it was so warm only hours ago.

Liesel pulls herself onto her horse, and I pull myself up onto mine. I turn around to see if I could spot Armin or Eren. Both seemed to still be inside.
"Where are the other two?" Liesel questions, and I shrug. After a sudden realisation, I realise that she probably didn't see, and I decide to speak up.
"They'll be here soon," I say.

I open the door to the lantern and it makes a sweet little creak as it opens. I scramble for a match in my pocket and go to light it.
The embers appear before my eyes, and light up the most of the night it could around me. I hold the lantern steady as I go to light the candle.
I feel hands slam onto my shoulders, followed by a yell and it sends a shock through me. I drop the match, and swiftly turn to see who was behind me: Eren, scaring me.
"Eren, please don't do that!"
Eren's laughing, and leans on his crossed arms as he does. "I'm sorry, Mikasa, but I just wanted to see if I could- oh, sh-!"
I widen my eyes as I see that the the grass has ignited. I hear my horse cry loudly and jumps up in shock, and I'm thrown off my horse. I land on my back, and a shot of pain shoots down my back as I feel a rock push into my back and near my spine. I yell out and clench my teeth.

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