Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Mikasa's POV

I'm not sure how I should ultimately feel about myself right now. Should I feel relieved that I feel I'm falling back in love with Eren -- my former fiancé -- or should I feel weak for loving him again so quickly? I can deny these feelings all I want. I can pretend they don't exist, but I know they do.
I don't think somebody should fall in love with someone else so fast... He kissed me and I lost it and I don't know whether that's a good thing or not. I'll keep telling myself that it's the hormones raging within me; love does not last when it's your chemisty's addiction to the person and not your own love for the individual.

I try to compose my thoughts and focus on dressing for a date for the second time. I did not call Lira to help me either; I think I can do this by myself. I am fully capable of choosing my own outfit, I am sure.
I settle with a -- black yet again -- fitted, sleeveless jumpsuit. I tie my hair into a loose bun and don't bother with any cosmetic application.

I receive a text message from Eren to make my way down to the nearest car park and he will meet me there and I do so, checking the mirror a second time to see if I look presentable enough.

At said car park, I see Eren outside the vehicle in a dark tuxedo and he has even cut his hair for the occasion. It suits him greatly. He gives me such a warm-hearted smile and I feel my heart skip a beat. I press a genuine smile and I see his cheeks change in hue. He opens the car door for me and I step inside, bowing my head down slightly in thanks. He slides in beside me and we make eye contact which felt like to me a brief analysis of each other's faces. This is interrupted by the driver who inquires if I felt comfortable and if my day whas been well before setting off.
"I'm fine, thank you." I speak contently as I feel Eren place his hand atop mine.
The chauffeur puts on the radio and I identify it as being "smooth jazz", a very old form of music.

"You look stunning, Mikasa," Eren whispers. "The same can be said to you, Eren," I compliment in return. Another smile graces his lips and it's contagious.
"And I like what you did with your hair. It suits you," he tells me. "I noticed you cut your hair and I think it also suits you." He brushes his hand through his hair that is now much shorter and says, "I'm glad you like it. I just thought of neatening myself up a bit. My hair was kinda messy before."
I shake my head in disagreement. "No," I mutter. "I don't think so. I've liked both styles."
Eren briefly looks out the window and then turns back to me.
"I picked a spot that resonates with me deeply. It's like the one from our past that you probably don't remember, but perhaps it will trigger a memory of some kind." I feel my eyes widen at this significantly, but I lower them again in order to not appear too odd.
"We will see when we arrive. Very soon, I hope; it isn't far from our sector."

This is when I sit back and glance out of the window, watching all the neon lights go by as the compound now resembles the night rather than the day. The car hovers over everything far below us so smoothly that I wouldn't even doubt we were above ground if I hadn't looked out the window. On the top of the compound there is a huge ceiling; so huge I've never seen the edge of it, if it has any. When it's morning, a great blue sky shows with a piercing yellow sun. In the night -- which is current -- a dark gradient of indigo and violet hues looks down upon us; white stars glisten in contrast. I don't know if it's the real sky or not, but I don't care either way.

Eren squeezes my kneecap and I am startled at this. I turn to him urgently and he laughs at the sight.
"What's so funny to you?" I question to him and in return I am met with a cheeky grin. "Nothin'. Just the way you looked at me when I did this," he says as he pinches my knees again and I physically respond immediately by moving my leg away.
"Hey!" I yell, shoving him away playfully. "I don't like the feeling of that, will you please quit?" I say, trying to hold back a smile so he knows I'm genuine.
All Eren does is stare at me with an open mouth -- slightly curved into a smile -- with lightly squinted eyes. His eyebrows furrow and then soften a couple times. "Why do you talk like that?"
I turn my head slightly; I'm confused.
"In what manner?" I respond.
"Like that!"

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