Author's Note

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I already know a bunch of you will be disappointed when you discover that this is not a story update but a goddamn author's note.

All of the year thus far I've had a writer's block and it is something I've had to force my way through in regards to other fanfiction as well and it's evident that during these times, my best work is not produced.

I apologise greatly for the massive delay in regards to my uploads, as now more than ever, it's hard for me to be inspired in a lot of my hobbies and that saddens me.

I've set myself a writing schedule that I'll force myself to stick to in order to at least get a few paragraphs of writing done per week so that these unfinished chapters are not constantly gathering dust.
Chapter--what was it, thirty-two--currently has a paragraph or two but nothing more.
That's about to change as I will be adding to that before the week ends.

Another thing to look out for is the Ours To Hold fanfiction that is in fact the new and improved version (remake) of the entire series that will be compressed into one book with three acts. Mind you, this will be very different to the story that you see now as I will be fixing plot holes, bad writing in general and grammar mistakes. That should be getting an update soon too and I really urge you all to give that a look as I've written the first chapter some time ago and it'll tend to some errors that you guys and I have spotted.

I'd like to thank you all again for your support over the years. I had no clue that I would get so much positive feedback with this and have three stories of it nevertheless. You guys are incredible and I feel blessed to be able to read comments from you all on a virtually daily basis.
You are all so patient and I don't deserve that privilege.

I'll try my best to get writing again like I used to in the past.

Yours truly,

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