Chapter Fourteen

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Mikasa's POV

I open my eyes, slowly. The sunlight leaks into my eyes, but doesn't burn. I look down to see Eren asleep; one of his arms are rested over my side.

The morning light looks so beautiful today, we should probably go outside and do something.

I only now realise that this is what I've always wanted... I just wanted a peaceful life and to be by Eren's side, and now I have that. I have that.
It's been an adventure for me, I got to see a whole new world that so many didn't get to see and deserved to. I'm too spoilt.
I even got to see the ocean... Before Armin ever did. Why didn't he go with Eren initially? It's been his dream since we were children, and then he suddenly didn't want to chase after that dream? Did he grow out of it? Is he afraid? I guess I'll never know.

I should probably check on Liesel to see if she is awake.
I slide out the bed slowly, trying to not wake him. My feet touch the cold wooden floorboards and I take a few steps backwards, still watching Eren before I turn around to walk down the stairs.
The steel steps are even more chilling, and make me think that I should purchase some slippers.

Back onto the wooden boards, I turn to Liesel who is still asleep. That's no surprise; Eren is a heavy sleeper also, so I'm assuming it runs in the family.

I look around the cabin, and wonder what I'm going to do. I didn't really have a plan.
I wonder to the back garden and decide to just feel the sun for a while. Sliding the glass door open, I step on the stone tile, which is rough and has an almost sandy texture.
I don't bother going to put shoes on.
As I am about to sit down, I hear a hard knock on the door and it jumps me. I stand quickly and rush to the door. I wrap my fingers around the handle, and twist slowly, pulling the door a slight bit at a time.
"Hello?" I whisper, almost inaudibly. As I peek through the gap, I realise who it is...
"Armin, how did you find here?"
"Well, aren't you happy to see me?" He laughs, and steps inside. "Well, I'm shocked. I didn't expect you at all. You knocked quite hard, I wouldn't even have thought it was you. I thought it were some military officer or something."
Armin places his bag near the door and takes off his jacket. "It's quite a long stor-" he begins until he turns to the sofa and recoils. "Who's that?!"
"Shh," I say hurriedly, pressing my finger to my lips. "She is asleep... It's Eren's twin," I say.
At first, Armin just stares at her wide-eyed, then to me. He looks speechless. "It's a long story, I'm sure Eren will tell you when he wakes up," I say, moving to the kitchen.
"But, M-Mikasa, this is big news! You can't just leave me in the dark like this," he whispers, but loudly.
I sigh, and then turn back to face him. "All right. On the way to the Walls, Eren was stopped by her, and then shortly discovered afterwards that they were siblings. There's a lot behind it, so you'll need to ask either Liesel or Eren for details. I wasn't there to know," I say.
"Liesel, huh?" His expression softens.
"Would you like anything to eat?" I ask, taking slices of bread from the bread bin. "Please, I'm starved."
I take some plates from cupboard, and start preparing basic sandwiches with tomatoes and lettuce.

"You didn't tell me how you found us," I say.
"Oh, well, the venue was on the updated invitation, so I thought that you guys were nearby. And man, it took me a long time to find this place," he tells me.
"Wait, updated invitation?"
"Yeah, you sent me one with the venue location. Or at least Eren did."
Then, I stop tensing my eyebrows as I realise that Eren must've updates without me for some reason.
"I see," I say, as if I'm simply brushing it off.
"Why'd you come? Not that there's a problem, of course."
"Duh, I wanted to see the outside world. I was bound to get lost and surprisingly I didn't. I started sketching a map as well. After that valley of grass, I just followed the tiles until I found a cabin, and then I wondered into a village and thought you guys were there."
Valley of grass? He means that land with dust goons? It's grown that much?
"I'm not surprised you found your way. You're very intelligent," I say, and I see rose spread across his cheeks.
I hand Armin his now prepared sandwich and he thanks me as he bites into it.
"Eren's still asleep I'm guessing?" He speaks, food in his mouth. I nod. "They're both sleepers, huh?"

Eren's POV

How so groggy I am this morning, and I wonder why. I stretch my arms out and let out a loud moan as I throw my legs over the side of the bed and rub the sleep from my eyes.
I wonder how long I was asleep for. Probably longer than I should have.

I decide to get up eventually and see how everyone is doing downstairs.
"It was amazing, and it kind of made me regret not coming with you guys in the first place. I don't know what I was thinking."
A familiar voice.
"Armin!" I yell, and run down the spiralled stairs and almost trip as I do so.
"Eren, you're finally awake," he says with a smile.
I pat his back and give him a bare grin. "Why'd you come here, bud? Miss me that much?" I ask, playfully.
"I wanted to surprise you," he does a little chuckle and graces his finger over his cheeks as if there's an itch.
"Eren, you didn't miss breakfast too long ago," says Mikasa.
"Damn..." I sigh, hanging my head back. "You seem very energetic today," she remarks.
"I had a good sleep, I guess."

I look over to Liesel who seems to be still asleep. "She's still sleeping? I thought the noise would have awoken her by now."
"Well, Eren, she must be a heavy sleeper like you," Mikasa smiles.
I see Mikasa take out bread from the bin and I ask her, "didn't you just eat?"
"Yes, but this is for you."
"No, no," I interrupt taking the bread from her hand from behind her. "Thank you, but I'll do it," I say, placing a kiss on the side of her neck.
I see Mikasa smile as I take her place and then Armin going, "awe."
I turn to him with an embarrassed face and he purses his lips as if regretting what he said.
I chuckle as I turn back to making breakfast.

"So," I begin, "Armin, let's say we go out today?"

* * *

"Eren, where the heck are we going?" Armin asks me.
I stumble as I continue to make my way through the gravel, Armin's eyes enclosed in my hands.
"Just hold on a sec," I tell him, trying to find an easier way to walk behind him.
The sand is a footstep away, and I can't wait for the upcoming happenings.
"Armin," I say, "take your shoes off." He is hesitant for a few seconds until he flips off both of his shoes, and both land in the crisped beach in front of us. I peel my hands away from his face, and how I wish I could see his face and what's he's thinking right now.
He doesn't move; doesn't make a sound.
"Hey, Eren," he begins.
There's silence and all I can hear is the breeze and the oceans tranquil ripples.
"We made it."
With that, I smile. Smile so big, I feel like my lips are going to tear.
"We sure did, and I said we would," I say, putting my arm around his shoulder.
I stare into the ocean not too far away from us, and then turn to Armin, but I gasp quietly as I see tears streaming downside his cheeks.
"Hey, Armin, are you all ri-" and I am interrupted as he pulls me into a tight hug.
"Thank you so much, Eren..."
I smile once more and let my arms fold around his back.

I finally made it here with my best friend after all these years. After all the years of suffering, pain...
We could have died, and almost did on too many occasions. All of us did.
Was it all worth it, I don't know, but I'm just so grateful that I can spend this precious moment with Armin.

I whisper in his ear, "so, what are you waiting for exactly?"
With a brief moment, he does start walking, letting the sand travel in between his toes. I follow closely behind him as he experiences this time. I don't wish to say anything, but to only watch.

He doesn't change his pattern, his rhythm or the way he walks. He continues to walk the same way to the edge of the sand.
"Salt water so big... That nobody could take it all," he says.
Armin's knees fall into the sand and he has creates a mould around them, as the sand is wet, damp and easily-manipulated.
The water graces through his fingertips as if it was silk falling through his hands.
I sit beside him and watch the sea push towards us and away, as it tosses and turns.

Armin tells me again,
"Thank you..."

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