Wink [10th Grade]

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So one of the seniors (not the drum major) got knee-d in a private spot when he was celebrating the fact that we made it in under 40 minutes in one act. Our director looked concerned, and he assured her that he would be able to perform tomorrow, but he couldn't guarantee later in life.

I was apparently the only one that understood cause I started dying laughing. The senior made his way over to the couch and made another comment or two, which caused me to laugh even harder. He apparently got a kick out of that because he started chuckling.

He was like, "I think Belle's dying over there."

I stood up once I finished my laughing fit, and was trying to catch my breath bc I have really bad asthma. I looked at him, and he had an amused expression or a smile on his face. I smiled back, and he winked at me.

Idk what that means, but it happened, so....

Published 03.11.2021.

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