Chapter 13

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It's been forever right? I apologize greatly, I've had very, very bad writers block, but anyways you probably don't care, so here's the chapter! Enjoy!:)

Vic's POV:

"Mike, just listen okay?" I said trying once again to regain my brothers attention.

"No," he fumed. "I will not listen to you. You're putting yourself in harms way by hanging out with them," he said angrily, "and now you want me to hang out with you guys too?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all." I said raising my voice. "I'm not telling you to be friends with them, I'm telling you to check out their band."

"Why would I want to be in a band w-" I cut him off.

"BECAUSE," I yelled, making him jump, "this could be a good opportunity for you! We," I gestured between us, "are not enough to make a band and get somewhere. They can help us, and we can help them." I said, by now I felt my body growing hot with anger from having to explain this for about the third time.

"But we could find other people," Mike tried to reason.

"Where?" I shot at him. "Where, huh? We've been trying to start a band for three years and now we're given an opportunity and you don't want to take it?!"

Mike stayed silent and looked down at his hands that he was nervously tapping on his legs.

"Mike," I said softly, "please."

He continued to look at his hands.

"Fine," he muttered under his breath.

I felt the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth and instantly my anger was gone. He looked up at my smiling face.

"But if they fuck with us one time, we're dropping them so fast," he said trying to hold back a smile.

I immediately ran over and hugged him, yelling "thank you"s the whole time.

"Whatever," he chuckled. "Now get off me you dweeb."

I let go of him and smacked the side of his head and ran out of the room before he had a chance to hit me back.

After I slammed his door shut, making sure he wouldn't follow me, I practically skipped down the hallway to my room. And sat down on my bed and I actually had a genuine smile on my face, yet again.

I didn't know what to do so I grabbed my lyrics notebook and sat cross legged in front of it. Kellin and the guys had been begging me to talk to Mike about the whole drumming thing for the past two days and I had never had enough courage to do it until now. I presumed that they would be happy about the news, but not as happy as me.

I know that they all want to be in a band too, but this was the one thing I wanted to do ever since I was little. Since that young age, I could never picture myself doing anything else with my life, and to this day I still can't, but that's really not something I would admit to anyone. Mike and I can mess around as much as we want, but now we have an actual opportunity to make something out of all those times in the basement, writing lyrics and riffs.

Life had been really looking up for me lately. I thought back to just a month ago, when I wanted nothing more than to leave this earth, but now, I had something to look forward to. And most importantly, I had Kellin.

After that day at his house, my feelings for him had done nothing but grow. He the one person I looked forward to seeing everyday, and the one person I was always dying to talk to. I craved to so much as be in his presence. Even though we didn't tell anyone about the way we felt, everyone knew how close our friendship had become in the past few weeks.

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