Chapter 12

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Kellins POV:

Things had been going great lately.

Jaimes bullying had come to almost a complete stop, for now, our band was actually getting pretty good and we had all written a couple more songs, and most importantly, Vic and I were becoming friends.

Well, maybe that last one isn't such a great example. You see, the closer me and Vic get, the more I start to like him. It's reached the point were it is a borderline obsession.

Sometimes we'll all be sitting in Chemistry class, yes Vic has begun sitting with us again, and all I can think about is jumping over the table and attacking his lips with mine.

Wait, no that's creepy.

I let out a sigh as I left my daydream, and was once again engulfed in the real world.
I stared at the board in the front of the classroom in a daze wondering how all those numbers had gotten there and what they meant.

I glanced over at Vic who was vigorously writing notes, trying to copy everything from the board before it all disappeared.

I smiled at him. He was so cute when he was concentrating.

Dammit Kellin, stop that.

I looked down at my notebook and, per usual, it was blank. I sighed and was about to let my mind wander again when I noticed a paper fall to my desk.

I looked up to see Mr. Douchecanoe hovering over me.

"I hope you were paying attention Kellin. God only knows your grade could use the help." He said sarcastically, but he almost sounded defeated. Dang, only a few weeks into the school year and he had already given up on me.

"And god only knows you could use a little less sarcasm in your life," I said back, not really in the mood for confrontation.

He sighed and walked away, continuing to hand out papers as he made his way down the rows of desks that were already being moved so others were closer to their friends.
I turned to Vic who was giving me a disappointed look.

"What?" I asked.

"What exactly is your grade in this class?" He questioned.

"It doesn't matter," I replied, giving him my best cheeky smile.

"Kellin," he said sternly, "what is your grade?"

God what is this kid, my mother? Because that would be wrong on so many levels, incest is not the best, let me tell you.

"None of your business mother," I said casually, disregarding my pervious thoughts.

"I am not your mother," he shot me a glare.

"I'm sorry," I said smiling. "Would you rather me call you daddy?" I winked at him for good measure. That's the thing that I liked about our 'friendship', I was comfortable just saying whatever things popped into my head around him, dirty or not.

His cheeks turned red and he struggled to even speak.

"K-kel- no- I would not like you to - to umm refer to me - as uhm," he was trying to be serious about the situation, but no matter how flustered he appeared, I could see the smile playing on the corners of his lips.

Once again I smiled and laughed at how cute he was.

"Ok," he took a deep breath and collected himself. "I was going to ask you what your grade was because if you really need help, I was going to offer to, you know, help you out," he said.

I smiled at the thought of Vic tutoring me.

"Hmmm," I played out the situation so I wouldn't seem so eager with just a flat out yes. "I guess that would be nice."

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