Chapter 14

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Please don't kill me I know it's been forever, So sorry it's been like 1 1/2 months (and that this chapter is real short) haha. Oh! Also enjoy this new cover, because the old one bored me and it was really lame. Anyways here you go!:)

Vic's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the sun trying to shine its way through the tightly closed blinds. I felt an arm draped loosely across my waist and tensed up until I remembered exactly what had happened last night. I instantly relaxed at the thought of Kellin, only to tense back up as the thoughts of why he was here in the first place, once more, flooded my mind.

I remembered waiting for Kellin and Mike to come back out from the party, and how relieved I had felt, until two arms wrapped around my waist. From there I didn't remember much else except for the cracking sound as a fist hit the mans face.

I remembered crying into Kellins arms and turning around once to see Mike beating someone up. Then I remembered Jaimes bloody face, with closed eyes, as Mike continued to slug him repeatedly.

After that everything was a blur.

I rolled over to face Kellin, his sleepy face only inches from mine. Though his eyes were closed, I could tell that he hadn't slept much by the dark circles that resided underneath them.

I shifted my body so I was closer to his and buried my face into his neck, willing myself not to cry again.

I thought of the words Kellin had said last night about how I was 'perfect to him' but part of me wondered if it was even true or if he was just saying it to shut me up. I tried to turn off my brain, to block out anymore thoughts from flooding in, but it didn't work and I felt a small tear, slip out of my closed eyes.

I willed myself to stop shaking and took deep breaths and soon enough the tears came to a stop.

I didn't hear any voices downstairs which lead me to believe that it was past 8:00 and my parents had already left for work.

Kellin shifted slightly next to me and I tilted my head upwards to see if he would open his eyes, but they remained closed and he continued to remain sleeping peacefully.

I relaxed my head back into the crook of his neck and lay there for awhile before sleep took over again, sending me into another fit of dreams.

I was running. As fast as I could, but it wasn't fast enough. Whatever was chasing me was quickly gaining on me,but I couldn't slow down enough to look back at what it was.

I jumped over rocks and fallen tree branches, the thick lines of trees on both sides of me and in front of me made it hard to see a break, if there even was one.

I could only look up, but when I did, it was only to see grey clouded skies and tree branches.

I continued to run, my legs aching because of the pace I had been running at, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't let the thing catch me.

And then I saw it, a clearing directly in front of me.

I willed myself to run faster, knowing that the only way to get away from this thing was to make it to the little field.

As I got closer I saw a small cabin. It was old, but something told me it would be safe.

My feet continued to pound against the muddy ground and I was getting closer and closer. Only a few feet away.

I heard the heavy breathing next to me and knew that the thing chasing me was right on my back.

The clearing was right there, only 5 more steps. . . 4. . . 3. . .

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