Chapter 8

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Kellins POV:

My body still ached when I woke up. I stepped out of bed and almost collapsed to the floor, forgetting how weak I was.

I slowly made my way out the door and to my bathroom, showered and did my hair to the best of my abilities.

I lightly touched the bruises that were still very much apparent on my face.

I managed to cover my black eye and a majority of the bruise on my cheek bone with my hair.

After making my way back to my bedroom I picked up my phone from the table beside my bed and pressed the home button seeing the screen light up with a couple notifications from Tumblr, Instagram, and yes, twitter.

I quickly opened the Twitter app to find my post had 57 retweets, a hundred some likes and a few comments.

I may not be very popular in person, but online I'm basically a god.

So I'm a little conceded, but there's no denying the facts.

I laughed as I set my phone back down and walked over to my dresser to find something to wear.

I threw on some black skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizon crewneck, because it was pretty overcast outside and I figured it would start to rain later on today.

Afterwards, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen almost bumping in to my mom as she frantically made her way back and forth through the kitchen.

"Kellin!" She practically shouted throwing her hands up in the air.

"Hey mom?" I laughed.

She knelt down to pick up a paper she had dropped and stood up quickly to face me.

"How are you feeling sweetie? You look great!" She lightly tried to push my hair from my face. "I didn't expect you to want to go to school today, but that's great that you're up to it. I was just trying to figure out these papers. Are you sure you want to go to school?" She was talking really fast and I was starting to zone out from trying so hard to concentrate on her words.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm good," I said trying to sound reassuring.

"Well that's good honey. Do you want some breakfast?" By now she was already back to trying to sort out her papers.

"No, I'm fine I'm just going to head off to school." I started to mumble the last part when I fully realized that I was actually going to go to school. Usually, if I had the opportunity to miss a day, or a couple of days, I would, but this year, I really can't afford to miss a lot of class. Especially since its only the first week of school.

I sighed deeply at the thought. This was only the first week of school and already all this shit has happened.

I briefly considered just going back upstairs and ditching today, but knowing that it was Friday was the only reason I didn't.

I slipped on my Toms and grabbed my bag and car keys before walking across the damp grass to my car.

It was chilly and already starting to rain so I cranked the heater when I got into my car.

I plugged my iPod into the speakers of my car and hit shuffle, and of course, Iris by The GooGoo Dolls started playing.

I smiled as I pulled away from the curb taking the scenic way to school since I would be early either way.

I watched trees as I drove past, doing my best to keep my eyes on the road, but the nature was just so captivating.

Eventually though, it ended as I saw the school come into sight.

I Can't Make You Stay [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now