Chapter 4

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Kellins POV:

Beep beep beep

I absolutely hate this alarm clock.

I turned it off and then knocked it into the floor, groaning before rolling onto my stomach and burying my face in the pillows.

I barely slept at all last night.

I couldn't accomplish anything. I couldn't do any homework, yes homework after the first day, I could barely even eat my dinner.

All I could do was think about Vic.

I sighed to myself at the thought of him. I wondered what he thought of me, though I'm pretty sure I already know. He more than likely thinks I'm a giant douchface that needs to leave him alone. Who am I kidding? He's way out of my league. He's probably not even into guys.

I finally rolled onto my back and sat up. I looked at the wall for awhile, not really feeling the whole 'going to school' thing.

I was startled out of my daze when a loud banging came from the other side of my door.

"Kellin! Honey? It's time to get up, you don't want to be late," my mom said as I heard he soft foot steps walk back down the hallway.

I sighed once more before getting up.

I took a quick shower seeing as I literally only had about 45 minutes before school started, then grabbed some random tshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, per usual, and headed down stairs.

My father had already left for work and my mom was upstairs so I decided to just skip breakfast.

I grabbed my toms and walked out the door to my car.

I drove the quick way to school, if you could consider it quick, and arrived with about 5 minutes to spare.

Wait, I thought to myself, I don't need to be on time. What am I a goody-goody who actually cares about school now?

But I knew the reason I wanted to get to class. The only reason why I would actually be excited for Algebra.


As soon as I reached the front doors the bell rang, signifying class had started.

"You're late Kellin," the office lady said in a very knowing voice.

I rolled my eyes. "No shit." I mumbled under my breath.

I walked to my locker and threw my bag in, grabbed my books, and headed off to class.

As I walked through the door everyone did that annoying this where they all turn and look at you like you murdered their child.

You're next if you don't stop staring.

"Well hello Mr. Quinn. How are you? Did you have a good morning? Seems like you must have considering you're late for my class." Mr. Uhh- whatever his name is said sarcastically.

I hate when teachers talk like that. Like, why? Are you trying to be cool, because news flash -- you're not. You're just as annoying as everyone else in this school.

I decided to play it cool though and not get into too much trouble, I mean, it was only the second day.

"Why yes sir, I didn't indeed have a greaaat start I my day. Being late to your class was the highlight of my entire morning," I replied in a very cheesy pretend happiness, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Sit down. Now." He demanded sharply.

"Yes sir." I gave him a slight salute before making my way to the back of the class, next to Vic.

I Can't Make You Stay [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now