Chapter 3

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**May be slightly Triggering**
I grabbed my things from my locker before slamming it shut and heading for the front doors.

As I did I looked around at all the other kids heading towards buses or running to their friends.

My eyes scanned over the crowd as I made my way into the commons. Just as I reached the front door I saw two guys standing outside.

One short and skinny, and the other tall and skinny.

Vic, and some boy that I wasn't too entirely sure who he was.

Vic glanced at me as I walked out the door, but I quickly glanced down to avoid eye contact.

From there I basically sprinted to my car and peeled out of the parking lot.

Vic's POV:

"What was that?" My brother, Mike, questioned me.

We were standing outside waiting for our mom to pick us up from our, long, first day of school.

I had let out a sigh of relief as I saw this Kellin kid quickly run away from where we were standing.

Honestly, he scared me.

I really didn't know what was up with him. First hour, he seemed like a nice guy, and he comforted me after that douchface of a teacher yelled at me, but then during last hour he kicked me so hard in my shins that I'm sure it would leave a bruise.

I really didn't have any friends yet, seeing as we just moved here from California, so I couldn't really find out much about him from anyone.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just glad this days over with. " Which wasn't entirely a lie.

"Yeah I feel ya on that one," Mike said, slapping my back.

I flinched in pain a shut my eyes really tight.

"Oh shit! Vic, in so sorry! I totally forgot! Oh god! Oh god I'm so stupid. What is wrong with me. I- I- I-," he rambled on and on.

I quickly collected myself from the brief flashback of pain. "Hey, hey! Calm down. It's ok. I'm ok." I said, a tad forcefully, in attempts to try and calm him down.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Yes. I'm getting better. It'll be fine," I said calmly.

"I thought it was over." Mike said sadly.

"So did I, Mike. So did I."

Just as he was about to speak again we saw our Moms red Ford Focus, and basically sprinted to it. Happy to get away from these school grounds.

Usually, I would call shot gun, but I let Mike have it this time because I knew whoever was upfront would be forced to answers our mothers, never ending, questions. By sitting in back I had a better chance at avoiding them.

"Soooo," she questioned cheerily, "How was your first day of school guys?!"

Luckily for me, Mike went off on some huge story about how different this school was and his teachers and a couple of guys he met.

I'm glad he had a good day.

I drifted in and out of my thoughts the entire ride home. I thought of those stupid bullies back home that got so bad we had move for my own safety.

I thought about how much I already hated it here, and would probably make no friends and ruin any friendship that Mike makes.

I remembered how this morning, I stood in the bathroom and just stared at myself, trying to get my hair perfect, and my clothes perfectly straight, all for this kids who could give less of a damn.

Then my thoughts drifted to Kellin.

I really didn't know how I felt about him. He was scary, and seemed to have this aurora of wanting nothing to do with anyone. He even told me about how he enjoys beating kids up. I wanted to think he was sweet because I'll admit, when he put his hand on my shoulder in algebra, I felt a shock run through my body-- the good kind --and butterfly's erupted through my stomach. I smiled slightly to myself, but then I remembered everything else he said: how he 'destroys people who try to destroy him', and he 'slams kids heads into lockers'. The smile dropped from my face and I felt a pit of emptiness in my stomach.

This guy was a bully. Just like all those kids that hurt me before. This Kellin character would be no different.

He is just like everyone else.

Once again I felt empty and I hated myself for even thinking slightly good of him.

I silently cursed myself: Yet another mistake, Vic. God, can you pick the people who won't hurt you for once? For once can you not be the biggest fuck up in the world? Everyone hates you! You can't do anything right.

My thoughts turned completely dark and all I wanted to do was break down and sob.

As soon as we arrived at our house, I jumped from the car, almost tripping as I did and ran up to my room, immediately blasting my music.

I reached under my bed for a shoe box I kept of little knick-knacks and opened it. I moved aside all of the keychains and trinkets I had stored in there, from places all over, until I found an even smaller box.

I sat on my bed and opened it and inside sat two little pieces of metal. I looked at them for awhile, and then removed the bracelets from my left arm.

One, two, three. I left a thin line across my wrist.

One, two, three. I went a little deeper that time.

One, two, three. Perfect.

That's how you know it's real. That you're real. When you get the perfect depth, and know you're still alive, and that you can still feel.

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