Chapter 10

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Vic's POV:

I woke up a lot warmer and dryer then I had been last night. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around to find that I was in my room.

I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and noticed I had on a pair of black sweats and a white shirt.

Okay that is not what I was wearing last night.

Just as I was about to question if yesterday even happened or if it was just some horrible dream, Mike walked past my open door.

"Oh, hey, you're finally awake," he said somewhat excitedly.

"Uhhm yeah?" I glanced at the alarm clock next to my bed to see it was 1:07 pm.

Well shit.

"So," Mike said, entering my room. "Do you want to tell me why you were at the park last night?" I could tell he was trying to stay calm, but he also sounded like he was scared shitless.

"I- I told you. . . I left school at lunch. ." I trailed off, honestly not knowing what else to say.

"Was it because of what happened with Jaime and Kellin?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah I -- wait, how do you know about that?" I questioned sharply.

"Bro, calm down, everybody knows about it," he said emphasizing the 'everybody'.

"Oh," was all I could mutter as I looked down at the ground. I guess a lot of people had been listening to the fight that was going on around them and I should have realized that it was high school and nothing stays a secret there.

"Hey man, don't be embarrassed by it, everyone thought it was awesome! They were saying how they had never heard someone speak to Jaime or Kellin that way. Dude they're glad somebody finally stood up to them, and you know what that means now?" Before I could even answer he continued. "That means people look up to you now. They look up to you little Viccy," he said messing up my hair.

"I'm not that little," I countered, smiling. See that's the thing about Mike, no matter how sad you are, or how bad a situation is, he can always find a way to make you smile.

"Yeah, right," he joked. And before I could even swing at him he was up and out the door, slamming it behind him.

I shook my head smiling at my younger brothers childish traits, and thanking whoever the higher power up there is, for Mike not questioning the subject any further.

I stood up and contemplated what to do. I wasn't that hungry, nor did I want to deal with my parents question why I had slept so long, so I decided to just stay in my room.

I looked around for something to do, when my eyes fell on the guitar propped up in the corner of my room.

It's either this or homework, Vic. I thought to myself.

I walked over and picked up the guitar, sitting back down on my bed with it.

I hadn't played it in weeks, but I gave it a shot anyways.

I started off just messing around mumbling stupid lyrics that i had written months ago until out of no where a new idea came to me.

'Can I even

Complicate your breathing?

I guess I'm just your average boy

This is me

With a knife in the back,

And a grip on the grass, it's cold

And I don't want to be here'

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