Chapter 15

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Hello! I know it's been forever and I'll explain. First though, if you don't want to read this, just scroll to the story part and enjoy!:)
Anywho, "Jenny where have you been?!" Well, I'm not entirely sure where to start and keep this short at the same time, but I've been kind of going through a weird phase and I completely fell out of liking/shipping Kellic. I thought I was being stupid and I just needed to stop everything and get away because it hurt me on an emotional level. I stopping reading Kellic, writing Kellic, posting about it on my fan account, i stopped posting about Kellin and Vic, I stopping listening to PTV & SWS. I gave up on everything that I cared about and that made me happy all because of some ridiculous thoughts in my head. And I hate that I did that, but I did and I'm trying to become my old self again because I hate that I'm not happy anymore and I just remember that when I shipped Kellic more than anything, I was at one of my happiest points. And I don't know if it's 'healthy' to try and go back and be who I was a couple of months ago, but I want to try because I hate living the way I do. When I put everything towards Kellic it was some form of coping and I could put my emotions into writing that people could read and enjoy. I hate that I dropped everything that my life used to be. So hello, I'm back and hopefully, it's to stay.
Now onto one last thing, like I said, I'm not who I was a couple of months ago, so the story from this point on may not be like previous chapters. I'm rereading to try and get a feel for how this story was going, but I cannot guarantee it will be the same because my writing style isn't the same, but I'm going to try.
So, sorry for boring you with that update, you didn't have to read it, but that's what's been up. So, I hope you will enjoy this chapter!:)

Vic's POV:
The next couple of days went on as they normally do, as I fell into a routine. School, band practice, hang out with Kellin, sleep.

Right now we were currently at rehearsals playing through the same song we had been practicing all day. This was honestly the highlight of my days and the thing that kept me going. Not only did I get to hang out with Kellin, Mike, Jack, and Justin at the same time, not to mention with them actually getting along, I got to do something that I love with people who shared the same passion as me.

'Now that we have the world in front of us,

We're never turning back.

How could we ever not believe?

Now that I have the world in front of me,

I'm never turning back.

How could I ever let this go?'

Kellins voice was perfect and at times I found myself getting so captivated by the way the lyrics meshed so perfectly with his voice that I would forget what I was supposed to be playing, or even to play at all.

We finished out the song for about the tenth time because like Jack said 'We have to practice until we can't get it wrong.' We all highfived, as usual, and fell to the floor or onto one of the couches.

The other boys fell into a conversation about some girls at school or something and seeing as I'm a little uninterested in the female population, I turned my attention towards Kellin, who seemed just as uninterested as I was.

"So," I said in attempts to make small talk.

"So," he teased.

"You are really an amazing singer," I gushed. I hadn't sung in front of any of these guys except for Mike, and Kellin was the main reason for that. My voice could never compare to his, and I was honestly a tad jealous.

"Vic, you tell me that after every rehearsal." He laughed, but it seemed like he only did to hide the hint of annoyance in his voice,

"I know," I looked down blushing. "But it's still true. I mean, I wish I could sing like you."

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