Chapter 2

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The rest of the day was pretty boring.

The highlight was probably me spilling some jocks food down the front of his tshirt, after he tried to trip me, and watching all the little freshman run away in fear.

I slowly made my way to my last class of the day, chemistry. And honestly, fuck chemistry. What's is it even about? The periodic table or something?

Hydrogen, helium, magnesium, radon, mercury--

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I saw the skinny little Mexican boy from my Algebra class walk in.

I immediately shot forward towards the table, from a leaning back position, and put my head down. I quickly jammed my hand into my pocket to grab my phone and look busy.

I heard the chair across from me being pulled out just as I opened my tumblr app.

I glanced up to see non other than him. His deep brown eyes looked into mine before he quickly snapped his head towards the front of the classroom.

The room slowly started filling up and the two other seats at our, no my, table were filled by, of course, Justin Hills and Jack Fowler.

The bell rang and every one quieted down as the teacher made her way to the front of the classroom.

"Hi guys!" She beamed, "My name is Mrs. Williams!"

Oh great, nothing better than energetic middle-aged women.

I turned my attention back to my phone and zoned in and out of the talking going on around me.

"...Dude no. I could totally fuck her..." Justin mumbled.

"Screw off Justin she'd totally hook up with me before you," Jack laughed. I looked over at them to see Justin glaring.

He quickly turned towards me, "Nooo," he laughed, "Kellin would totally plow her first."

That sent him and Jack into a fit of giggles, yes giggles.

I shoved Justin from his chair next to mine and he fell hard onto the ground. Unfortunately, this only made them laugh harder.

"Is there a problem back there boys?!" Mrs. Williams attempted to yell, but was obviously a bit shocked.

Jack and Justin just laughed harder as Justin tried to pull himself back up to the chair, Mexican boy just looked lost and a little scared. Honesty, I felt kind if bad for him. I wanted to pull him into a hug and tell him that they're just a bunch of idiots and-- No Kellin. You've got to stop thinking like that.

I snapped myself out of it and looked up to the front of the classroom. "No, they were just messing around. Everything is just fine," I said with the best fake smile and joking tone of voice I could muster up.

"Well alrighty then! Just tone it down a little, ok?" She asked politely. I just nodded my head and looked around.

A majority of the class was now staring at our table.

"Stupid faggots." I heard Jaime mumble. Typical coming from him.

I turned away from his snarling face, back up to board where a bunch of questions were now written down.

"..So I want you to pair up and write down all your partners answers. Ready, Go!" Mrs. Williams exclaimed.

My turned my head to look at the kid across from me he looked like he was about to get up and look for a partner, but with a swift kick to his shins, he sat back down and looked at me. Tears starting to brim his eyes.

Fuck, What did I just do?!

"Uh- h-hey," I mumbled awkwardly.

"Hi." He looked down at the table.

"We'll I guess we should get to these questions, huh?" I asked, sort of cheery, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I guess," was his almost inaudible answer.

Oh great, he's either shy, or I really fucked up by kicking him.

"What's you're name?" I asked cautiously.




"Really?!" I questioned, he looked so much younger. Finally, he looked up.

"Yeah," he half smiled. "I turn 17 next month though."

"So you're a junior?" I questioned.

"Mhm." He hummed.

I looked back to the board. "Any brothers or sisters?"

"One brother."


"I uh, si-- write." He stuttered. I gave him a questioning look, but let it slide. He's just so damn cute when he's nervous.

Fuck Kellin, no. No. No.

"What about you? What's your name?" He finally questioned back.

"I'm Kellin," I said leaning back in my chair. Time to stop being flustered by this boy.


"17." He scribbled down my answers on a sheet of paper. How adorable that he actually does his work.



"Any hobbies?"

"Well I like to slam kids heads into lockers," his eyes widened, and I heard Justin laugh beside me. "I like to kick people when they're down, scare innocent children, destroy people who try to destroy me, and get annoyed by dick-weed 1 and 2 over here," I gestured towards the other two at the table. They just gave each other high fives. See? They are so deep in a pool of admiration that they highfive at being insulted by me.

Vic on the other hand just kind of looked awkwardly at his paper before glancing back up at me. "Do you have any, any uh, any hobbies I can write down that won't get you in trouble?" He questioned, he was obviously scared of me now.

Good, maybe that's the way it ought to be.

"Hmm, well, I too dabble in writing," I said trying to sound intelligent, and once again lighten the mood.

He scribbled down my answer then finished through the other couple of questions before walking up to the front of the room to turn in his paper.

He sat back down and stared at the table. Does this kid do anything besides sit there?

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and sat like that until the bell rang signifying that we could go home.

**sorry this chapters a bit boring. Stay with me ok? Please?:)**

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