4: First Day

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[victoria's pov]

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the timetable on my nightstand. "DADA?" I asked Lily, confused.

"Defence against dark arts," she explained.

"Oh," I nodded. "Is it a hard class?"

"Only if you don't pay attention," she said. "I find it quite enjoyable."

I could tell today was going to be a good day with her reassurance. I could smell luck in the air.

"By the way," Lily said. "Classes start in twenty minutes."

I shot the bed like a bullet and quickly ran to the bathroom. I was not going to be late on the first day of school. Especially at a magical school.

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

I was practically sprinting in the halls to class. Late.

As I neared the classroom, I ducked my head, thinking it would somehow make me invisible. But all of the students, including Tom, looked at me as the door was very revealing. My cheeks immediately turned red when I saw Tom staring at me.

He was wearing the Slytherin robes and I had to admit, he looked very prestigious with green.

"Ms. Victoria, please sit down." the professor said in a serious tone.

I nodded and quickly sat in a chair next to Sirius. "You're late, pretty girl," he said. My cheeks turned even redder as the room grew warm.

"I'm not late," I said.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, everyone else is just early."

We laughed at my remark and from the corner of my eye, I saw Tom glaring at me. I looked at him and waved. He gave me a death glare, which made me confused.

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

After class, I chased after Tom in the hallway. "Tom! Wait up!" I called. He stopped and turned around.

"What?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

His gaze was different as he looked me up and down.

"What's with the ignorance?" I asked.


His apology was nothing as I decided to continue the conversation. I shrugged it off and asked him, "What was that in class?"

"Was what?"

"The death glare."

"Yes, that. Well, we can't be acquaintances from now on."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll be going now," he said and left.

So much for a good first day.


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