15: Alive

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[victoria's pov]

I opened my eyes. It was bright, so I immediately shut my eyes again. My eyes took a while to adjust.

"I must be in Heaven." I thought.

There was some chattering and eventually, the chatting got louder.

"Perhaps Heaven is probably not this loud." I thought. Surprisingly, I was alive. I slowly got up and found myself in the hospital wing.

I groaned and got up. My head was aching and my back was sore. I tried to recall what had happened. Fragments of the incident popped in my head. I kept trying to recall more details like a magnet, but I couldn't focus because of the fuss.

Then, it hit me like a stone. Tom.

It finally made sense when I put the pieces together. His loath towards half-bloods and muggles. The Horcruxes and his shady friends.

I looked to the bed a few beds from mine and saw the librarian. What could the librarian possibly be doing here? I wondered.

"Oh, thank Merlin! You're awake!" Molly yelled from the entrance and ran to me. She gave me a tight hug as if I had died and came back to life. Lily appeared at the door and ran over to me as well and hugged me. They hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe properly.

They noticed my struggle and let go. "Sorry," Lily said and wiped a tear.

"We thought you were dead!" Molly said.

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

Molly and Lily looked at each other, concerned.

"Myrtle Warren was found dead last night in the second floor girls' bathroom!" Lily said hysterically.

"The librarian found her and screamed then fainted. Some students heard her screams and called for help," Molly explained.

"So now there are rumours about the Chamber of Secrets being open," Lily said.

"Chamber of what?"

"The Chamber of Secrets that everyone's talking about now. It's been going on for a few days, how do you not know?" Molly asked.

"I've been busy. What's the Chamber of Secrets?" I asked.

"Well, the Chamber of Secrets was home to an ancient Basilisk, which, according to legend, was intended to be used to purge the area of Muggle-born students. Rumour has it that it's been opened by the Heir of Slytherin!" Lily said.

I shuddered. So that's what the creature was. It makes sense. Tom does despise muggle-borns and half-bloods. I thought.

"I'd bet my fortune to say it's Malfoy," Molly said.

"Well, then. You'd be broke," I said under my breath.

"Did you say something?" Molly asked.

"Oh, I was wondering how I ended up here?"

Molly smiled. "Tom found you," she said. "He's very humble you know, asking we don't tell anyone."


"Tom saved you. He found you near the second floor girls' bathroom last night."

"Did he now?" I asked them.

They nodded.

"It's destiny!" Lily said dreamily. "You two are definitely meant for each other."

I held the urge to roll my eyes.

There was a knock at the door. The three of us turned our heads and saw the one and only, Tom Riddle.

Speak of the devil. I thought to myself.

He walked over to us.

"We'll let you two have some alone time to discuss," Lily said and dragged Molly out of the room.

Tom looked at me. "You're alive," he said.

"Of course I am."

There was an awkward pause.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked.

"As well as I remember that kiss from two nights ago," I replied.

"It's not what you think it is."

"So you're not a murderer and you can't talk to mythical snakes?" I asked.

"You don't know anything," he argued.

"I know that you're planning on purging all muggle-borns and half-bloods," I said.


"Then tell me, what are you up to?"

"I'm not planning to kill all half-borns."

"And why?"

"Because there's you."


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