45: 'Hello, Harry'

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[victoria's pov]

Ron laughed falsely.

"Well, you see, that's going to be complicated," he said.

"What do you mean?"
"I sort of yelled at Harry and Hermione before storming off. We didn't end nicely," he said.

"Ronald Weasley!" Molly shouted. "How many times do I have to tell you to control your anger?!"

"Sorry mum, I can't help it. You, out of all people, should understand."

Everyone went silent as the twins snickered.

"Five sickles if he gets turned into a frog," George said.


Unfortunately for George, Molly didn't, meaning Fred won the bet.

"Come on, Ronald, I have another way we can find them."

"And what's that?" he asked, following me.

I took out my wand.

"Molly, do you have a blank document of some sort?" I asked.

"Yeah, here," she said and opened up the table drawer. She took out a blank document and handed it to me.

"This should work," I said.

I pointed my wand at the parchment as everyone watched me curiously.


Bright small stars flew out of the tip of my wand and sunk into the paper.

"Woah," Ginny said.

"Write that down, George."

"Already ahead of you." George said to Fred.

We all watched as the parchment created a map.

"Did you just make another Marauder's Map?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, Sirius taught me," I said sadly at the thought of my former friend.

"There he is!" Ron said, pointing to the map.

"Let's go," I said.

I walked out the door with Ron.

"Wait, Victoria," Molly said before I shut the door.

"Good luck."

I smiled at my best friend. "Thanks."

I took Ron's hand in mine.

"Gosh, your hands are freezing," I said.

"No, I think it's yours," he said.

I realised he was right.

Ron and I watched as our surroundings became darker. Thick trees appeared around us and the moon shone above. We heard water splashing from a nearby frozen pond.

"Hide," Ron said.

"What? No, It could be Harry," I said and ran to the lake. "Come on, Ronald!"

He followed me and I ran to the center of the pond. There was a hole, big enough for someone to fit.

"It shows that Harry is there!" I said, pointing under the ice.

I had no choice, but to jump into the water. The water was so cold I could've sang soprano for weeks. It was hard to see underwater, but I spotted Harry. I swam to him as fast as I could. An amulet around his neck squirmed around like a pixie, keeping Harry under the ice. I grabbed on to Harry and pounded on the ice above.

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