24: Death Eaters

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[victoria's pov]

"What am I going to do anyway?" I asked Tom.

Tom and I were in the Room of Requirement, waiting for his followers to arrive. Tom wanted me to be present for the meeting.

"You just sit next to me and listen to my plans."

"What would my title be, anyway?" I asked, curious.

"The Dark Lady," he said.

"That makes me sound old," I said with a laugh.

"Fine then, you choose."

I thought about it for a moment.

"How about we keep my name?" I suggested. "As I'm already yours and that's good enough."

He smiled.

"Then I shall be your Dark Lord," he smirked and leaned in for a kiss.

Before our lips could touch, the door opened and he pulled away. We looked at the door and saw a couple of Slytherins. The only ones I recognized were Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix Lestrange. I was surprised that Severus was a part of this since I always thought he was innocent, but then again, I am with Tom and now oversee them. They all lifted their sleeves on their right hand.

I noticed all of the Slytherins- but one- had a black snake and skull tattoo on their wrists. I'm assuming it was proof that there wasn't an imposter in the room.

They walked over to us and sat on the couches around the fireplace. Tom took this as his cue to stand up and start the meeting.

"What is Clearwater doing here?" Bellatrix asked, bewildered.

"Let us just say that you are not to question her presence or authority, Lestrange," Tom said sharply.

Bellatrix glared at me as if she was trying to figure out my intentions. I didn't even have any except for being by Tom's side.

"So, I see we have a new member?" Tom asked, looking at a dirty blonde boy. "Franklin Goyle, hm?"

"Yes, sir," Goyle said, tensing up.

"Let me ask you this, why are you here?" Tom asked.

Goyle licked his lips, thinking of an answer.

"B-because I despise non pure-bloods and agree with your intentions," Goyle finally answered.

Tom slightly raised his eyebrows, satisfied with his answer.

"Why do you despise non pure-bloods so much?" Tom asked.

"Because they're different. They don't deserve to learn magic like us. They're just pathetic mudbloods," Goyle said.

It almost sounded as if he had rehearsed beforehand.

Tom smirked. "That's right, Mr. Goyle."

Goyles' posture relaxed once Tom's glare shifted elsewhere. Tom's look focused on me.

"I'm assuming most of you know Miss Clearwater here?" Tom asked.

Some Slytherins nodded.

"She's to be one of us," he informed them. "Her life costs more than yours. Which means if hers is to be taken..."

They all nodded and I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that I was going to be watched by his followers.

Tom started to talk about convincing some of the giants and dementors to be on his side. He also talked about Horcruxes.

He must have been busier than I thought. I wondered.

He went on about other creatures that I haven't heard about before and other family heritages and where/how to track them down.

At one point, he talked about how Dumbledore knew what he was already up to, but Dumbledore didn't have any proof.

"That old man hasn't talked about me to the ministry yet," Tom said, amused. "It's a shame he won't be able to do anything about me."

A raven-haired Slytherin raised his hand.

"Have you decided on a name for us?" he asked.

"Yes. You will all be known as Death Eaters from now on," Tom said.

He talked for an hour. The entire time, I was lost. I started to think about my friends.

Oh no. I thought. What about Lily? She's a half-blood. I knew this was something that I needed to discuss with Tom, so when he ended the meeting, I sat him down to talk.

"What about Lily?" I asked.

"What about her?"

"Well, her family are not pure-bloods," I said.

Tom sighed. "I can't promise you anything," he said.

"Why not?" I asked. "I'm not a pure-blood either, so why can't you spare her as well?" I asked him.

"Because she's not special."

"What do you mean she's not special?" I said, raising my tone.

Tom got up and walked towards the door.

"Enough, I don't want to talk about this," he said.

"Riddle, why not?!" I shouted.

"Because I don't care about her like how I care for you!" he shouted at me. He glared at me from the door for a few moments then left.

Tears were streaming down my face. I was stuck in a difficult position. I had to betray one person I loved the most to protect the other. I fell on my knees and cried.

I'm so sorry, Lily. I thought.

I quickly tried my tears before Tom would come back in and notice.

I knew I had to do it. I just had to. I got back up and fixed myself to look like I wasn't upset. I knew who exactly to look for to help.



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