6: Potions

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[victoria's pov]

The past few weeks have been tough, as I was adjusting to the magical world. Though Molly claimed I was learning just as quickly as everyone else was–besides Tom, who seemed to be perfect.

He seemed like he fit in. As if he was a pureblood, born for this life.

Tom didn't talk to me much anymore since we could "no longer be acquaintances."

Potions was taught by Professor Slughorn. Professor Slughorn was one of my favourite teachers so far. He made learning fun and interesting, unlike my teachers back in London.

I walked into the classroom early so there were very few students. A pale boy with long white hair sat in the far corner of the room. I knew his name was Lucius Malfoy. He was one of the few Slytherin students who had befriended Tom. Tom sat at his usual assigned seat at the front by the window. I sat diagonally behind him, all the way on the other side of the room so, lucky me. I sat in my seat and Professor Slughorn stopped me from taking out my books.

"Your partner has been expelled so you'll have to move to a different spot," Professor Slughorn said. "You can sit by Riddle since his partner is expelled as well. Your partners were caught... well, mingling past curfew and using underage magic outside of school.

Wow, what are the odds? I wondered. I stood back up and walked over to Tom. I set down my books and he looked at me with confusion.

"Hi, partner," I said sarcastically. He went back to reading his book and ignored me, of course.

I held the urge to yell at him for being such an ass. It took a lot of self control. And trust me when I say, a lot.

I was busy with my thoughts and didn't notice the classroom filling up with students. Once we were all settled down, Professor Slughorn cleared his throat. "Welcome to day thirty-two of Potions," he said. "I assume all of you know what felix felicis is, right?" he asked the class. I nodded. I recently read a book about potions and came across it. "Would anyone care to explain what it is?" he asked the class.

The only ones that raised their hands were Tom and me. Professor Slughorn looked at us, surprised at how quickly we raised our hands.

"Well then, ladies first, right, Mr. Riddle?" Professor Slughorn asked Tom.

Tom lowered his hand and replied, "Of course, Professor."

"Ms. Clearwater, please explain what Felix Felicis is to the class."

I peeled my eyes away from Tom and answered, "Felix felicis- or also called liquid luck- is a potion to make the drinker successful at everything they do for a period of time."

"Well done, Ms. Clearwater."

I could sense Tom's eyes glaring at me. I ignored him and gave my attention back to the lesson.

"You will be attempting to brew liquid luck. If it works, You get to keep a vial of it. Please pair up with your desk partners," Me. Slughorn said. "The instructions are on page seven."

Tom and I started brewing our potion, but we didn't talk. He put in three drops of griffin tears.

"Add two more drops," I said.

"Why? The instructions say three drops," he argued.

I snatched the tears and put two more in. I remembered reading a different book of instructions yesterday. Tom didn't argue and added the next ingredient.

I knew the potion was perfect once the bright orange colour disappeared and turned into a clear liquid. Tom added the last pink leaf and it immediately melted into the potion. Professor Slughorn walked over to us to inspect our progress. His eyes widened.

"You're finished?" he asked.

"Yes," Tom and I replied.

"This is the most perfect felix felicis I have ever seen brewed by a student! How did you do it?" he asked us.

"We added two more drops of gryphon tears and one less pink leaf," I explained.

Professor Slughorn nodded. "Fascinating," he complimented.

"Thank you, professor," I smiled as I looked at Tom with a boastful smile.

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

Once Potions was over, I picked up my books without sparing Tom a glance and headed out the door.

"Wait, Ms. Clearwater. I'd like to talk to you," Professor Slughorn said, stopping me. I turned around and walked over to his desk.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"You seem very intelligent so I'd like to invite you to my very own personal club: the Slug Club. Riddle himself is in it. My club is having dinner in my office in two nights. Seeing that you are very talented yourself, I'd like to invite you," he offered.

"Of course, I'll be there."


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