36: Long Overdue Revenge

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[victoria's pov]

Tom dragged me through the Dark Forest. Fog filled the air as I wondered where in the world Tom was taking me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him for the one-hundredth time.

"You'll see," was all he replied.

From all the walking, I wondered why he wouldn't just apparate instead.

"Can't we just apparate?" I asked.


I heard a twig snap and clung on to his arm more. Even though it was dark, I could feel his smirk.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after a few minutes of walking.


More walking.

I was starting to wonder if he was just doing this to annoy me. He knew how impatient I was. He came to an abrupt stop, making me bump into him. He didn't even stumble when I did. Instead, he had his gaze on a big manor. I couldn't read his expression, but I sensed a bit of anger so I stayed quiet for a few moments.

In the middle of the dark and spooky trees, stood a large home. Light shined from inside the house. The home owners were still awake.

I had questions in my head.

"Where are we? Why are we here? Who lives here?" I asked.

"This is the Riddle Manor."

"Oh, ok. That's interesting," I said, not paying attention. I was craving only his attention. "Wait, did you say Riddle Manor?" I asked.


"What are we doing here? You already murdered your father," I reminded him.

"I know," he said and walked to the door.

"Tom, what are you doing?" I asked. "Selling cookies?" I asked sarcastically.

He turned back and glared at me. He put his index finger on his lips, signalling for me to be quiet.

From the look on his face, I could tell he wasn't going to be selling cookies.

He faced the door, taking in every moment and knocked on the door.

"Who could it be at this hour?" a faint female voice from inside asked.

"Stay back, let me check," another voice said.

Their voices sounded elderly.

A man (about somewhere 60-70 years old) opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked Tom.

I watched from behind their car, staying out of sight.

"Yes, you can, actually," Tom replied.

The old man let down his guard and relaxed.

"Well, how can I-" the old man started but was interrupted.


The man fell to his knees, shaking in pain. He screamed in agony and Tom watched in satisfaction.

It finally hit me. Tom was getting his long overdue revenge on the Riddle Family.

Tom kicked the man aside and stepped inside the manor.

I followed him to stop him.

As I made my way inside, the man grabbed my ankle.

"H... help m... m... e," he begged.

I couldn't do anything. For the first time in my life, I felt hopeless.

Tom was busy looking for the woman.

"I know you're in here," Tom sang.

When Tom wasn't looking the woman held a gun towards his head behind him.

"Tom, look out!" I shouted.

He looked at me, confused.

Before the woman could pull the trigger, I pointed my wand at her.

"Avada Kedavra!" I shouted before realising what I was doing. The spell blasted her across the room and she did get back up.

"NOOO!" the man screamed in pain.

My heart raced once I had realised what I had done. I tried my best to convince myself it wasn't my fault.

She was going to kill Tom. I had to do it. I thought.

Tom looked at me surprised, but I could sense pride behind his eyes.

"Victoria, look out," Tom shouted, and pointed his wand at me. Well, I thought it was at me, but he was actually pointing his wand at the old man. Just seconds before I got stabbed, the man floated in the air, struggling to breathe.

Tom walked closer to me and grabbed my hand. He dragged me behind him.

"Who... are... you... people?" the man gasped.

"Your grandson," Tom said. "Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Lies. My... son doesn't... have a... child!" the man managed.

Hearing this angered Tom more and he swung his arm like throwing a baseball. The man hit the wall and fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Before Tom could blast the man, I tugged his arm.

"That's enough, Tom," I said.

Tom looked at me emotionlessly.

"Oh, Victoria," he said softly. "It's never enough."

He blasted a curse at the old man.

"Avada Kedavra."

Those two words were the last things the man would ever hear. His arm fell limp and his head hung sideways.

A tingling sensation wave flowed through me. Fear? Shock? Overwhelmingness? I wasn't sure.

Tom took a deep breath of satisfaction.

"Good job tonight," he said.

"It wasn't my fault," I said, defending myself. "I'm- I'm..."

"Oh, Victoria," he said. "No murderer is innocent."

I thought about what he said. Is he right?


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