12: A Dumb Idea

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[victoria's pov]

I didn't know why it irked me so much that Tom left without saying a word. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid or something of the sort.

But I also wondered why he kissed me in the first place? Was it an impulse just because I looked beautiful last night? Was it really just a moment of weakness for him?

I grew afraid that our kiss would ruin our connection, but I was even more afraid that our kiss meant nothing.

Lily and Molly were already asleep once I got back to the dorms so, the next day at lunch I told them what happened. Although, I left out the part about his conversation with Professor Slughorn.

"He just left?!" Lily said, shocked.

"How can he kiss you and just leave?" Molly said. "I swear, if he's just playing with your feelings, he's going to regret living," Molly threatened.

I laughed at their behaviour, even when the fact that he just left still bothered me.

"It was probably just a mistake he made," I said, hiding my sadness. As my best friends, Molly and Lily could sense my sadness.

"You like him, don't you?" Lily asked. "That's why you sound upset that he left."

I thought about it. "I... er. Um." I stuttered to answer. I never really thought about it. Did I like him?

"I'll take that as a yes," Lily said.

I didn't deny it.

"He seems suspicious if you ask me," Molly said.

I nodded in agreement. He was always being secretive. What was he up to?

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

Later that night, as I was reading, a stupid idea popped up in my head. I was pretty stupid. No. It was stupid. I sighed as I worked out my plan. Molly was sleeping like I was supposed to be doing as well. She was snoring loudly again. I got up and walked over to her.

"Molly?" I asked. She snorted back to life.


"Can I borrow your Marauders Map?" I asked.

She nodded and pointed to her drawer. She closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

I chuckled and opened her drawer. The marauders map was hidden under a false board. (Wow, that's smart.)

I went over to Lily and woke her up.

"Can I borrow the invisibility cloak?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's under my bed," she answered, still asleep.

Once I got a hold of what I needed, I took out my liquid luck. I closed my eyes then drank it down and thought, I want to be able to spy on Tom Riddle successfully without being caught by any adults.

I opened my eyes. Phew. I was still in one piece. I wrapped myself with the cloak and grabbed my wand and the Marauders Map.

I quietly walked out of the Gryffindor dorms without waking up the large lady in the portrait.

Once I made it in the hallways, I took out the map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Lines of black ink started to appear on the map.

"Tom Riddle."

Tom's name appeared on the map, along with mini footprints. I followed his footprints on the map. Why is he out of bed? I wondered. He was currently in the second floor girls' bathroom. What would he be doing there? Is he meeting up with someone? I wondered. I stopped overthinking and walked to the girls' bathroom. My only source of light was the moonlight beaming in through the windows. I wasn't about to risk getting caught.

I heard footsteps walking from behind me. I looked behind me and saw the librarian walking by. I quickly panicked until I remembered I was wearing the invisibility cloak. She walked past me without even noticing me. I sighed and rushed to the bathroom. It was nice to know that the Felix Felicis was working so far.

Once, I got to the girls' bathroom, I immediately noticed that there was a sink missing. There was now an empty gap in between the sinks. I walked closer to the sinks, not intimidated at all, and looked down at the empty tunnel that went down. I took off the cloak and sighed as I looked at the map. It showed that Tom's footprints were here. He must be down there. I thought. I put down the map and cloak it on a built-in-shelf. I gripped my wand tightly, not letting go. Then, I did the dumbest thing that I could have done.

I jumped.


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