10: The Slug Club Dinner

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[victoria's pov]

I looked up and down at myself in the mirror. I looked gorgeous. I felt gorgeous.

The dress Lily let me borrow was an olive green dress that reached down to my ankles. The dress revealed my shoulders and my hair was nicely pulled back by Molly.

Molly's eyes became watery. "You look so pretty!" she said.

Lily nodded in agreement. "You can keep the dress, by the way. Olive was never really my colour."

I looked at her in disbelief. "What?"

"You heard me. Go ahead and keep it," Lily reassured.

"Thank you!" I said and hugged her.

"Now get going, you don't want to be late!" Molly scolded.

"Oh, right."

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

I waited in front of Mr. Slughorn's office. A few other students were waiting as well. Then, I saw him. Tom. He wore an olive buttoned-up shirt and a slick black vest over it with a pair of slick black pants. It had been a while since he'd worn something fancy. I didn't notice I was staring at him. He made eye contact with me and I quickly looked away, embarrassed by being caught staring at him.

I could tell he was intrigued by our accidental matching.

Professor Slughorn opened his office door and greeted both of us.

"Ah, glad to see you all here! Come in, come in."

I noticed how big of a bookworm he was. His office was practically a library. There was a wooden round table in the centre of his office. Dishes of food were displayed on it. The candles flickered and royal core music played quietly on a stereo, setting the calm mood.

I sat on a chair next to Severus. Tom sat on my right.

Professor Slughorn started talking about how glad he was that we could all make it.

Tom started to tap on the table. Morse code.

But I could barely understand as I was distracted by Slughorn's questions.

I looked at Tom and shrugged.

When he got the chance, he leaned in and whispered. "You look divine tonight."

"You flatter me, Tom," I answered quietly.

He smirked to himself as he pulled away. I mentally sighed. That stupid sexy smirk of his always made me blush.

We ate and talked about mythical creatures and assignments that would come up in the future. They were warnings of Slughorn he didn't give anyone else.

"I must say, the stars look beautiful tonight," Professor Slughorn mentioned. A question suddenly popped into my head.

"Professor Slughorn, I was wondering if you had any books on astronomy I could borrow? The library doesn't seem to have anything I'm looking for," I said.

"Well, as a matter of fact I do have books on Astronomy. It's one of the most wonderful mysteries of this world! Feel free to borrow any book you'd like," he offered and pointed to a bookshelf. I nodded.

"Thank you," I said and got up to go check some out.

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

[author's pov]

It was just Professor Slughorn and Riddle now. Tom cleared his throat, ready to ask the question he had been meaning to ask all night.

"Professor," he said.


"What is a Horcrux?"

The professor froze. "It's some very dark magic, Riddle. It's not to be attempted."

"Yes, but just out of curiosity, could you tell me more?" Riddle asked.

"Out of curiosity, you say?"

Tom nodded.

The professor didn't sense any harm in telling a curious sixteen year old boy, so he told him.

"A Horcrux is an object in which a wizard or witch can hide a fragment of their soul in order to become immortal," Professor Slughorn explained. "In other words, it's very dark magic."

"Can you tell me how one splits their soul? And is it possible to split it into seven?" Tom asked.

"My goodness, Tom. Seven? Isn't killing one person enough?" the professor asked.

"Ah, so to split one's soul, one must kill?" Tom asked.

"Yes, Tom. This is all out of curiosity, right?" Slughorn asked.

"Yes, Professor."

There was a long silent pause.

"Have a good night, Professor," Tom said and left.

Little did they know, someone was eavesdropping on their conversation, wondering why Tom Riddle would want to know about Horcruxes.

And that person was Victoria.


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