23: The Deccenary Ball

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[victoria's pov]

I slowly made my way to the steps. My dress fit on me perfectly.

My shoes tapped on the stone floor and I walked down the steps.

The orchestra played in the corner of the room and a large white Christmas Tree was displayed in the centre of the Great Hall. Everyone looked divine and danced with their partners. As soon as I saw Lily and Molly, I gasped at how beautiful their dresses looked. Lily wore a royal blue dress that flowed down to her ankles like a waterfall. Her hair was styled into a fancy braid with small blue flowers tucked in it. Her dress seemed to sparkle under the chandelier. Molly's dress had three shades of green that blended beautifully together. Her dress had puffy sleeves and reached down to her ankles as well. Her dress had floral gold rose patterns. Her hair was straightened and she wore a small flower crown.

As soon as they saw me, they ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"You look so beautiful, Victoria!" Lily said.

"That's an understatement," Molly corrected.

I laughed.

"You both look so royal," I complimented.

"You never told us who your date was," Lily said.

"It's a surprise," I told them.

The orchestra played a new song, which brought Molly and Lily's date over.

"May I have this dance?" James said to Lily and winked. Lily blushed extremely.

"I believe you do," she answered and he took her hand in his.

Molly and Arthur left to dance as well. I looked around but didn't see Tom.

Perhaps he is feeling ill. I thought. I better go check on him soon.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Sirius.

"We're still on about that one dance, correct?" he asked.


Since Tom wasn't around yet, I agreed to dance with Sirius. He took my hand in his and a new song played.

We waltzed around the Christmas tree and I could see Molly mouthing to me, "Oh my gosh, it's Sirius?!"

I shook my head and Sirius started a conversation.

"I see you and Tom are close."

"Yes, we were raised in the same orphanage."

"I see. What is your relationship with him?" Sirius asked.

I didn't know how to respond, but I decided to say what my heart was telling me.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said. "Or simply his. We have yet to figure that out, really..."

Sirius nodded slightly.

"Congrats, then."

"Thank you."

A new song started and I felt someone's hand on my waist, slipping me away from Sirius. Sirius got a new partner and I looked at the stranger's face. I soon realised it wasn't a stranger, but Tom Riddle.

"I was starting to wonder when you'd show up," I said.

"So you're my girlfriend now, I assume?" he asked.

"I don't know. You never really asked."

He suddenly pulled me closer to him and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Does that confirm your answer?" he asked.

I smiled and blushed.


He smiled, satisfied by my reaction. I could see Lily and Molly grinning while watching.

Lily mouthed, I told you so.

"Come on, I want to show you something," he said and stopped dancing. He held my hand and led me out of the Great Hall. He took me outside the school and near the Forbidden Forest.

"We're going in there?" I said.


I trusted Tom and willingly went inside the Forbidden Forest. I clung on closer to Tom since I haven't been in the forest before. He chuckled and seemed to enjoy my attachment.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Victoria."

He covered my eyes and carefully led me somewhere. When he removed his hands, I gasped at the beautiful sight. There was a clear pond that sparkled under the moonlight shining down on the clear space. Large trees circled the small space, making it look like columns. The tree branches locked with each other and left a big space above, making it look like the starry night sky was a ceiling.

"Every darkness has some beauty inside them," Tom said.

"Like you," I told him.

He didn't respond, but I could tell he was flustered.

"Come on." I followed him to a clear spot with a picnic blanket and a book.

"I'm assuming this is why you were a bit late to the Ball?" I asked.


I gave him a small kiss on the cheek to show my appreciation.

"Thank you, Tommy."

Tommy was a nickname I would call him at the orphanage.

"You haven't called me that in ages," he said.

"I know."

"And I still don't like it," he said.

I laughed and he sat down. He signalled for me to sit next to him and I did. He grabbed a book and gave it to me.

"Read it to me for a bit," he said. "I like hearing your voice."


He made himself comfortable and laid down. He rested his head on my lap and shut his eyes. I admired his perfect facial features. I started reading from the beginning of the book as he shut his eyes to listen.

・゚✧magical time skip・゚✧

I finished reading eight long chapters. Tom yawned, showing he was tired.

"Sorry for that," he said.

I smiled. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Tommy."

He gave me a small smile.

"So have you thought about my proposal?" he asked.

I suddenly remembered his proposal back in the Room of Requirement about ruling the world with him.

"You mean the one about ruling the world with you?" I asked.

"Yes, that one," he said.

"Then, yes. I will."


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