Chapter 4

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_Alice's Pov_

I nervously looked back to Evelyn when I seen her mother here.

Evelyn glanced down at me and looked at surprised as I did. Her face trying to portray she was calm and collected, even though, I knew she was surprised and mad.

"Well, Alice, I didn't know you were here. It's nice to see you, it's been a while, hasn't it?" She asked me looking between me and Evelyn.

I froze for a second then quickly replied," Yes, it feels like forever, hasn't it?"

Her lips tilted upwards a little," It has. Would you like to stay for dinner, you're more than welcome to?" She asked gradually getting closer to the steps I'm currently standing upon.

"Sorry, but I can't. I'm having dinner with my father," the words felt bitter when they came out.

"Oh, well, you mustn't keep him waiting by himself!" Mrs. Moon announced walking me to the door.

"She can walk herself to the door, mother," Evelyn said to get her mother's attention away from me, so I could quickly slip out.

I quickly mouth, 'Thank You,' to her and lunged out of the tensioned filled room.

Swiftly, I shut the door behind me and was greeted with a cold and chilly wind gust.

"Mmmm..." I hummed and ran towards my car. The coldness nipped and bit at the exposed skin, leaving it cold and bitter.

When I reached my Jeep, I shoved the key into the lock and unlocked it. I grabbed ahold of the bar on the top of the car's ceiling and pulled myself into the car.

As quickly as I could, I shoved the key into the ignition and twisted it forward until the car started. When the car started I then cranked the heat all the way up and fell backwards into my car seat with a groan.

"Okay time to take the game back!" I exclaimed to no one in particular and drove out of the long driveway.

Driving to the Video Store wasn't the longest drive, but when you look at the same things repeatedly, it feels longer than what it really takes.

The repeating tall Pine, Maple, and Willow Trees never seem to end down the roads. The freshly painted lines on the blacktop road go on and never cease. The same stupid song playing on the radio, repeatedly.

As if it took a lifetime, I pulled into the newest Video Store's gravel parking spots. Taking the keys out, shutting off the car, I grabbed the game and walked back out to the deadly, chilly, winds.

I scurried to the transparent door and pulled it open. I then came to another door and opened that one, too.

"Hello," a woman greeted me with a monotone voice.

"Hi!" I announced mustering up all of the enthusiasm I could.

I walked over to the drop off box and let the game fall on top of all of the other entertainment pieces. Looking around, I noticed a group of girls that looked too familiar, but I ignored it.

"Ma'am, may I help you?" asked the same woman. Her hair fell about shoulder length, and was a gorgeous ebony brown. Her eyes was a mixer of a deep gray and black.

"Oh, no, I'm just dropping off a game," I replied with a sincere smile.

"Alright, have a nice day, hon!" The lady said, happy. I felt my spirits go up, and I got a little bit more happy.

"You, too!" I exclaimed. I waved and started to dig around for my car keys. I started to turn around to walk to my baby blue Jeep until someone stopped me.

"These wouldn't happen to be yours, would they?" a boy with weird hair questioned.


Hey, it's Mackenzie here this time! How is the story, Its amazing, yeah I know!

Anyways, I changed MY account name it's now:


Alright, so vote, comment, and share!!! Friendship is magic, smiley faces are ALWAYS cuter with a nose, and you're gorgeous!!!



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