Chapter 13

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Evelyn's POV

I turned my face to the world's most hated girl. Skylar Harlow. I saw her 5 other puppies standing behind her. I shivered as her brown, cold eyes stared at me. Then she looked at the guys behind me. She smiled at the guys behind me. She looked at Niall and trailed down his arm and hand that was currently placed in my own hand. She smirked at the contact of skin between him and myself. She walked over to Niall and snatched his arm away. I felt the hand jerk away from my own.

"I am Skylar. I am a huge fan." I turned around and saw Skylar on top of Niall. I saw Louis send Skylar a dirty look.

"And I am not a fan of you." Louis sassed towards the brunette. She turned her head and sent him the most fakest laugh. I saw Liam shiver violently.

"So, Evelyn. What brings you here?" asked Natalie. I looked at the other brunette and saw a fake smile plastered on her face.

"I am came to shop. What else would I be hear for?" I asked trying to sound nice.

"Pick up guys like you always do." I heard Layla say. I heard the girls snicker except Alexa and Scarlett. I felt my face grow red.

"Hey, knock it off." I heard Zayn snap. I saw Skylar jump and try to stifle her laugh. I walked off not wanting to hear her anymore.

"Hey, Evelyn! Wait up for your best friend!" I heard Natalie yell. I rolled my eyes and continued on walking. I pulled my phone out and dialed my moms number.

"Mom, meet me in the parking lot in five minutes." I rushed past people as I hastily shoved my phone back in my pocket. I got out in the parking lot and looked for my car. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and used my reflexes and jammed my elbow in their stomach. I heard a groan and heard someone fall to the ground. I turned around and looked at the person.

"Jeez, Evelyn. You weren't kidding when you said you knew kick-boxing." I smiled a little bit and kneeled down to Niall and placed my hand on his shoulder softly as he continued groaning in pain.

"Sorry, Niall. I didn't know it was you." He continued groaning.

"Evelyn, what did you do to this poor boy?" I heard my mom as she came up with a worried expression on her face.

"Mom, it is not what it looks like." I tried protesting.

"It is what it exactly looks like." I rolled my eyes. "You hurt an innocent boy." Niall soon quieted down in his groaning.

"He is anything but innocent." I said with a laugh. Niall quit groaning and looked at me with a bored expression.

"How about you boys come over for dinner?" I was going to protest, once again, but was interrupted.

"Dinner. I would not mind." Niall jumped up with a fist in the air. I looked over at Niall and saw a grin. I shook my head and smiled.

"Do you guys need a ride? We have room." Louis nodded while smirking at me. I huffed at the boys as they all agreed. I followed my mom as we walked to the car. I felt Niall come up behind me and slide his hand back into my hand. I looked at him with wide eyes. He looked back down at me with a smirk and a faint blush. I looked away with my face red. We reached the car and got ready to get in the front when Niall pulled me along with him.

"Shotgun!" I heard Louis yell as he rushed to the car. He jumped in the front seat next to my mom. My mom laughed at him as my jaw fell. I closed my mouth and shook my head. Niall open the door and let me in. I sat in the very back on the right side. Niall placed himself in the middle. Zayn came in the back on the left side next to Niall. Everyone placed themselves in the car filling the car up. While the car was on the interstate, Niall looked at me with a cheeky grin. I gave him a questioning look as he grabbed my hand that was placed on my lap. He held my hand firmly. He gave it a light squeeze. I looked over and saw Zayn shaking his head, smiling. Harry turned his head around and saw Niall holding my hand. Niall smirk at Harry and shifted our hands closer to my 'you know' area. I felt my face grow red. Harry clenched his jaw and looked away. I looked at Niall, hoping he would move his hand. He looked straight ahead as I saw a blush rise on his face and then he moved our hands away from the 'area'. I exhaled not realizing I was holding it in.

When we pulled up in the driveway, I swear I saw the guy's jaws drop. I turned away in embarrassment as they looked at me. Once Zayn got out of the car, Niall got up, hitting his head off the ceiling. He stuck his butt in my face.

"Niall, get your butt out of my face." He waved his butt back and forth as he laughed. I shook my head while smiling. Niall held out his hand waiting for me to get out. I took his hand as I jumped out. He never let go of my hand. He shut the car door and walked into the house following the guys. When we stepped in the house, we were greeted by the smell of vanilla. My mom started straight into dinner.

We sat down at the dinner table and started eating.

"So, Niall what are your intentions with my daughter?" I looked and saw Niall blush. I felt my own face heat up.

"Well, I like your daughter." I looked away with my face beating. The guys laughed at Niall and me. The dinner continued with the guys chatting about nothing.

"How about you guys stay?" I felt my face heat up.

"Mom." I whispered. The guys looked at each other.

"Sleepover!" Louis singed.


Heyyyyyy. What up? How you doin? Hoped you guys liked this chapter.

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Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.


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