Chapter 25

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Evelyn's POV

I heard the sound of glass shattering as it made contact with the floor. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I stared into the once playful eyes. They had that cold glint in them. I heard the guys foot padding against the floor, rushing. I felt something warm on my hand. The eyes stared back at me like they were staring in my soul. It seemed like the world was going slow motion. Everything was a blur except those cold, icy blue eyes. I felt something grab ahold of me, talking to me. The voices were faint like they were just inside my head. I tried turning my head but failed. My brown eyes were still locked on those shocking blue eyes. I soon finally found my voice.

"What are you doing?" I felt my voice crack. I felt fear wash over my body. I felt my body start to shake. I saw the eyes change to worry. I felt my body calm down as I saw the eyes change to soft.

"I came to check on you." I listen to the raspy voice. He eyed the boys that were surrounding me. "Who are they?" I looked towards the boys.

"They are my friends." I saw Michael step up.

"Now who are you?" I heard Michael snap at the blue-eyed boy.

"I am Alex, her brother." The guys eyes snapped over to me.

"You have a brother? I thought you were an only child." I heard Ashton state.

"I thought your brother doesn't talk to you."

"He usually doesn't. He rarely comes home." I said in a small whisper.

"Oh my, she is bleeding." I heard Liam say. He ran into the kitchen and ran back with a rag with water rinsed into it and a couple of bandages. He grabbed my hand and started cleaning up the dried blood and the blood that was oozing out of my hand. He took the piece of glass from the plate out of my hand. I looked at my hand that was covered in bandages. I looked at my brother and saw him looking at Liam.

"How tall are you?"

"6'6." said Alex with a disgusted look as he saw Harry. I saw them measure my height and compare it to my brother's tall figure.

"Why do you talk to a poodle?" asked Alex as he pointed at the curly brunette.

"I am not a poodle." Alex snapped his head back at Harry.

"Well, you look like a poodle." I heard the guys trying to stifle a laugh at the red faced Harry. Alex rolled his eyes and fixated his eyes on me. Alex stepped closer to me. He continued until my eyes were at his ribs. I felt warm arms wrap around me. I shivered in his touch.

"I am sorry."

Hey, what's up? So Mackenzie and I are on our way to Chicago for a trip in class. Do some of you live in Chicago? If you do, tell me. Vote, comment, and follow. I mean you won't get hit by my bus but I could be wrong. Hope you guys enjoy your day. It's FRIDAY!

Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.

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