Chapter 15

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Evelyn's POV

I ran up the stairs with guys following close behind me.

"Be careful." said Liam as we raced up the stairs. I swung the door open and grabbed the five pizza boxes and paid. I shut the door with my foot and walked back down the stairs after the guys. I noticed a brunette out of the corner of my eye. I screamed as I dropped the pizzas. I placed my hand over my heart, breathing hard. I heard the boys run straight up the stairs again.

"You scared the crap out of me." Alice laughed at me.

"Sorry." The guys finally made their way to the stairs and looked between Alice and me. Niall picked up the fallen pizzas.

"Evelyn, why did you drop the pizzas?" I huffed at Niall.

"Jeez after having a mini heart attack you would probably drop the pizzas too." Niall laughed while setting the box on the counter in the kitchen. I looked back over at Alice as I saw her eyes bulge out of her head. I stifled a laugh at her facial expression.

"Hey, Alice. Earth to Alice." She snapped her attention away from the attractive boys, mainly keeping her eye on Liam.

"Sorry, so are these the guys that your mom was talking about in the note?"

"Probably, and what note?"

"Hey, who is the brunette?" asked Louis, slightly annoyed.

"You know, its common courtesy that you say your name first." Louis huffed at Alice

"My name is Louis. And yours is?" Alice smiled at Louis.

"I know your name, but anyways, my name is Alice." Louis nodded, taking it all in. Niall came back into the hallway.

"Come on guys, before I eat it all." Niall said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen.

"I am surprised you haven't eaten it all for how much you eat." I said, hearing Alice laugh behind me. I looked in the kitchen and saw paper plates set out and the five pizza boxes open. I grabbed 3 slices of cheese pizza and walked into the dining room to eat. Niall had already beaten me to the dining room. I placed myself next to Niall and began eating. The last one who came in was Alice. She had one slice of sausage on her plate. She looked at Niall and me then placed herself next to Liam. She stared at me for awhile.

"What?" I snapped, getting annoyed with the staring today. She smiled at me then shook her head.

"So, how did you manage to meet One Direction?" I set my pizza down and looked at her.

"You ready for this amazing story?" She nodded in reply. I went through the whole story with her. After the story, she got a message.

"Can my friend come over and bring along his friends?" I noticed the word 'his'. I smirked at Alice.

"Alice has a boyfriend." I singed. She looked at me then face palmed. "Alice and whatever his name sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First come love then comes marriage. Then comes Alice with a baby carriage." I giggled at the end.

"Oh dear."

"Sure, whats his name?" She looked back up at me with the slice of pizza almost finished.

"Michael." I smirked at her even bigger. I noticed there was a blush on her face and she started day-dreaming again. I laughed at her. Her phone rang again. "They are on their way." I nodded then ate the remaining pizza on my plate.

"So, which one of you has a thing for my friend?" Her gaze went straight to Niall as he blushed. I looked at Alice with half of the pizza hanging out of my mouth. I continued eating my pizza waiting for her to question him more. "You haven't touched her, have you?" I started to choke on my pizza. Niall's eyes bulged out of his head.

"I-I, w-why, no." He said while stuttering.

"S-spit it out junior." She said as she laughed. Niall just shook his head at her. I finished choking on my pizza and took a swig of my water. I shook my head at my ridiculous friend. She gave me a smirk. She mouthed out 'payback' to me. I gave her a glare.

"So, what does Evelyn look for in guys?" Harry asked with suspicion in his voice.

"Well, she likes cute nerds." She said as I nodded. Niall nodded so did Harry.

"That's Nialler boy for ya." said Louis. I looked over and saw Niall smiling. I smiled at his cuteness.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, Evelyn?" I looked back at Harry, wondering where is he going with this.

"I mean, I believe someone could fall in love with someone after they met the person but how would you know if you really love the person when you don't know a thing about the person." I said, releasing my opinion. I picked up my slice of pizza as the door bell rang.

"I got it." said Alice. She shuffled her way out of the dining room and to the door. I heard chatter and laughter. Soon I heard stomping feet edge closer to the dining room. I saw a pale boy with colorful hair. A boy with curly, brown hair. A boy who is tan. And a boy with blonde hair and a piercing.

"Is that really you guys?"


Hey guys. I am tired but don't care. Hoped you liked this chapter. Vote, comment, and follow. You won't die if you don't comment, vote, and follow though I am not promising you anything.

Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.


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